Mo_Fan_Magic_God check my profile its fb name is there, warn me as if you don't answer the 3 questions we just say no and block you, I normally do most of the invites depending on time zones, but just in case leave a message on the 3rd question line and i'll warn my other admins so they don't block you by mistake .... if i don't see it 1st

    Mo_Fan_Magic_God I agree with your feelings regarding the Harry Potter world. I would even enjoy reading about Harry Potter and Malfoy's boys going to school, and possibly being friends. There is so much untold story.

    Mo_Fan_Magic_God I agree with your feelings regarding the Harry Potter world. I would even enjoy reading about Harry Potter and Malfoy's boys going to school, and possibly being friends. There is so much untold story.

    Pizz seems the power ranking is poor ,do you know why,is it because the translator problem

      easy answer, its bad due to the release rate and no one will waste the limited daily release of Energy Stone's

      ( even myself I only use them on my main novel SSM and don't split them yet until we get a "real" release rate )

      as QI, in fact, devalued them and also ss stones about 6mth's ago as I've logged in every day ( my count is 413 days + but that number is due the site upgrade date and not the real date you joined QI.
      as before that QI didn't

      (seem too, they may have but it doesn't come across like they did, as I'm still waiting for an answer from the devs to why I have oddly locked chapters also odd 1 ss re-unlocks ...6 weeks and still no answer with screen pic's showing the problems )

      keep full records of log in's and stone usage, as I pushed myself to hit lvl 6 to get the 3 of each stone type to vote with and then 2 months-ish before i hit lvl 6 that changed the stone amounts and give lvl 5 3 stones of each type
      ( when lvl 5 only had 2 eng stones and 3 power)
      and then give lvl' 6-er's nada other then a few extra ss's on invites but that's bugged as hell

      until the novel stops the rubbish release rate no one will really back it ... this is why all the post others and myself asking for a new team, as it's a pity as i like the tl'er but he puts he life before tl work and I'm not talking about his need to do exams I'm happy and have no problems with that, but going missing for over 10 days + for holidays without a release it comes across as if he doesn't really care about the reader in anyway

        Well the weekend is over, are they taking a holiday until the Chinese New Year? I noticed that the posts dropped off when the comic books started, is it just me thinking conspiracy to get us interested in the comic books money stream for webnovel? Normally a business would be all over the loss of revenue unless they were behind it. Versatile Mage is now two weeks behind, KoG is a week behind after providing a post two days ago. Something weird is going on.

        well, there are 2 new releases of QF/VM on GT but not here ...and this is after a +10 day wait for no info ..unless it seems you join his ie the tl'ers discord and I have no wish as I have about 50 + more important ones to real scan teams/fansubbers/ TL'er's / games and ofc Webnovels plus other official release web sites the idea of duel hosting of this novel is a joke and a huge loss of money to QI as there are readers that want this novel at a fair and honest release's ...this is a really really bad joke and it seems no one wishes to save face by fixing and dealing this problem

          And we only can express our frustration on the comment section but nothing will change,feel so useless

            Pizz so Pizz I followed your suggestion to pop over to Gravity Tales and get my Versatile Mage fix. Low and behold I was disappointed by the authors bad mouthing of Mo Fan yet again. So I copied my post their to here to solicit your opinion on my pet peeve with Chinese writers.

            "I agree with Starfox the writing style is repetitive and seems weak to readers of more mature authors. It's design of making the hero always seem like the underdog to seek an emotional response and connection with the readers works the first time it is used, but after the audience knows the main character is a powerhouse then other methods should be employed. The weak plot of using a lover in danger is one such tool. The death of a dear and close friend (used last major battle), is another.

            I recommend the better writing style of giving Mo Fan a personality and depth of character and let him struggle with internal conflicts like we all do everyday. Then he does not have to be artificially villainized every fight to ellisit a connection with the readers. Why not simplify have him struggling with how to defeat these guys without harming them or revealing too many secrets. Kind of like Clark Kent always struggling behind a pair of glasses."

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