did fast pass works, or must be coins?

- Jun 13, 2022
- Joined Sep 25, 2018
Lightning_user yup he can control lightning, and thunder is the same thing as the lightning
Lightning_user yup he can control lightning, and thunder is the same thing as the lightning
BattleLord so bad but you should keep reading VM as it has new chaptets here,ofc if you have enough stones
BattleLord time for you to vote :)
BattleLord better start preparing stone :)
BattleLord rmb vote for vm
BattleLord rmb vote for vm
Kirosuu we get a new translator and he says it is waiting to be released on tmr,though it is already delayed multiple times and i am not sure whether it will release tmr
simdimdim you mean the translator rush or the author rush it
BattleLord you discuss in where,discord or wt
BattleLord it is because the translator name and account is tofu so it takes time to change make some adjustment,the editor is currently editing up to chapter 280 sth and waited to be posted
@BattleLord new chapters are out
VM now has a new translator
So 1 month no update really great tofu
So 1 month no update really great tofu
tofu obviously will fail the college,and hope QI fine him harshly
Pizz torture the soul is infinite times worse than torturing the physical body
Pizz so cruel but i like it lol