Generic posts only please. No opinions, thoughts, or anything interesting.
The weather outside today is weather.
My shirt is white.
I'm reading a book.
Generic posts only please. No opinions, thoughts, or anything interesting.
The weather outside today is weather.
My shirt is white.
I'm reading a book.
I'm sitting on a chair
I looked at a person
I'm typing something
Your reply was written.
SnoozySloth You reply was replied to
Yes. My reply was replied to. Your reply was also replied to.
I'm drinking fluid.
I'm replying to you
After reading this thread
As I lay on my bed
I'm standing up now
Looking through a window
I gulp down air
Those are replies.
Reading this from PC.
I'm now conscious of my breathing.
Today is Thursday
My teacher is a teacher
I am living
I exist.
You guys exist.
Things exist.
This thread has turned out to be an area of discussion for posters.
Eat stuff
Drink stuff
Watch stuff
I should be working but I'm sick and there is a very large spider in the corner watching me....
Chicken is food.
Cats are pets.
Netflix is a movie service.
No. These are opinions and do not fit the thread. I fixed it for you:
Chicken is food.
Cats are pets.
Netflix is a movie service.
Forgive me D:
Black is a color
The sky is cloudy
Tomorrow is Friday
I am in front of my computer.
For some reason, there are lots of water bottles and glasses on my desk.
The tv is on
Sound is heard
Popcorn is in my hand
Open eyes
Red eyes
Teary eyes
Closed eyes
It snowed
I slapped someone
We hugged
I slapped him again
Blankets over me
It is hot
I burned down the house
I typed this today
My friend is a guy
My pet is a dog
I made him a saddle
You shake a rattle
This thread has posts
I have a name
You are a person
The world is round
So is an apple
I throw a bottle of snapple
Dontlookdown I don't know what a snapple is.
I used to not know what a stereotype was.
Now I do
I met a man.
His name is Rand.
I slapped him hard
with the back of my hand.
Snapple has sugar.
It cost 75 US cents when I was in school.
Snapple is a beverage.
I'm writing this while taking a college final exam.
Coke is good
I read robin hood
I shot an arrow
It hit a sparrow
1st one was an opinion. Minus 5 points!
That was a thought, the irony in this statement is awesome...
Apples are falling from the dirt
She is flirting
What am I blurting?
Did you think this was a rhyme, only if it ends with cymes?
Fell down a tree
There is a door
Went up a step
Used to be an adventurer.
Took an arrow to a knee.
Someone stole my sweet role.
It's been at least a day since I started this thread.
SnoozySloth I posted this approximately 17 hours after you posted what you posted
I posted this reply to your post.
SnoozySloth I saw your post 13 hours after you posted it.
That is a length of time.