I have uploaded the first two chapters of When the Emperors Return. Please give me some advise on my work and my synopsis (Now changed after chatting with awesome peer authors).

I have also been trying out the publish setting function. I just set a time and click confirm right? Then a clock symbol will show up by the chapter. However, the chapter didn't publish at the time set... I'm just wondering on how I can use this function properly.

One more thing. Just wondering, which book title do you think is better? A. When the Emperors Return. B. The Return of the Emperors. C. The Last Emperor. D. The Legend of the Last Emperor Thank you for your help!

Also I'm going to shamelessly offer review exchanges here haha. Let's get the review numbers up!

    My novelโ€™s name is The Legendary Map-Maker

      SimmeringHours it depends on your time zone. you can try setting on 0 and see what time the chapters are released. I think it follows (gmt + 8). maybe calculate your time zone according to gmt+8. then, you can release chapters according to your timezone.

      for me, 0 because i dont like confusion. besides, the readers are international. times zones are really confusing. i think you should release chapters when power stones are released :wink:

      i release randomly.

      Hello everyone, check out my novel name Unexpected Force Marriage
      If you have some time read it and do some review and I hope you will like it.
      This is my first time doing this. Haha.

        SimmeringHours but if you want to set schedule, maybe keep a fix time for daily dates. like 0 + each date or 14:00 hours + different dates. The chapters will be posted on that time* which is different time in your time zone, I think.

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