MyumaraOri please read the very first post of silentscarlettt. And she doing it for free. Please don't use demand tones. It's rude. Especially if you are not her friend circle.

- Nov 19, 2019
- Joined Nov 12, 2018
- Edited
My second novel,
TITLE: Blood Minus
AUTHOR: Himawari Shima
GENRES: Fantasy
Blood is a body fluid in humans and other animals that delivers necessary substances such as nutrients and oxygen to the cells and transports metabolic waste products away from those same cells.
That what I read from Wikipedia. And blood has four main components: plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets.
I am a human, so of course, normally, I should have these four components too. But the last words of my grandma, and all the weird instruction she keeps remind me as far I can remember, making me doubt myself.
If I am not human, then what am I?
If the outside world knew how different my blood is, will I always need to hide and never feel safe?IDEAS: Fantasy and Mystery theme? I am not sure if it better for the cover has one character (MC) or two characters (MC and ML). But if you decide to make two characters, the MC (Cynthia Oliver has white hair or platinum blond hair (The eyes color (she has two eyes color mode, too much negative emotion mode her eyes become red, and normal mode emotion (I like it if you decide what color is the best for normal mode eyes if you decide to use that normal eyes approach) and while ML (Gilbert Green has black hair with black hair) Again, I leave to your creative imagination for your impression about the rest (of how beautiful and handsome they are). Both of this story is new and entering the current phenomenal author contest.
Current image cover :
The current cover is not belong to me, my friend forward it for me to use it temporarily for the novel and he likes white hair character :D
Novel LINK: [Links] (
Hope to hear from you soon :D
my discord ID : himawarishima ( MsNuggets )#0758
Hi SilentScarlettt, I would be very delightful if you can make cover for my two novel. Miss Nuggets and Lemonade & Blood Minus.
TITLE: Miss Nuggets and Lemonade
AUTHOR: Himawari Shima
GENRES: Romance
Between love and duty, which one is one person should choose when it comes to marriage?
But in my story? Its a little of both when I enter this new phase of life.
As a result? Big AWKWARD. Yup. Even with the big capital letters can't sum up my feelings.
Because it mix with guilty, feeling wrong, tense, a little bit giddy when facing my new borrowed handsome husband.
And why is that? It because the groom end up marrying the bridesmaid when my big sister, the bride went missing on that big event!IDEAS: Can you put two characters for the cover? Malina (MC) is a Chinese Girl (Black hair and black eyes) and Alexander Graham Wentwort is a mix between Chinese Mom and American father. (Dark brown hair with beautiful blue eyes ). He is too much handsome for his own good. I leave that to your imagination :D
The current cover i made by editing free usage pictures i get from CC search. But I trully like your artwork. For my cover can you put the wording a little bit small compare to your previous artwork? (Among my favourite of your artwork are Uniform System by SnoozySloth and the strongest shopmaster. The background are superb and the characters are so cool!!) AND The male character is awesome cool!! (God of the Mystic Arts)
Those first two image I mention above, the wording is small and we can see more the cool cover image.Current image cover :
Novel LINK: [Links] (
Sorry if my English is bad. I am too excited now that you open for the request!!
- Edited
minyol and one more
Author: himawarishima
Title: Blood Minus
Genre: Fantasy
Novel link:
[Links (
Blood is a body fluid in humans and other animals that delivers necessary substances such as nutrients and oxygen to the cells and transports metabolic waste products away from those same cells.
That what I read from Wikipedia. And blood has four main components: plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets.
I am a human, so of course, normally, I should have these four components too. But the last words of my grandma, and all the weird instruction she keeps remind me as far I can remember, making me doubt myself.
If I am not human, then what am I?
If the outside world knew how different my blood is, will I always need to hide and never feel safe?
- Edited
minyol thank you so much Minyol :D
I have two novels, please review them.Author: himawarishima
Title : Miss Nuggets and Lemonade
genre : Romance
Novel link :
[links] (
Between love and duty, which one is one person should choose when it comes to marriage?
But in my story? Its a little of both when I enter this new phase of life.
As a result? Big AWKWARD. Yup. Even with the big capital letters can't sum up my feelings.
Because it mix with guilty, feeling wrong, tense, a little bit giddy when facing my new borrowed handsome husband.
And why is that? It because the groom end up marrying the bridesmaid when my big sister, the bride went missing on that big event!Dear Webnovel Official,
May I know what criteria of novel will be selected as winner? Is it based on views (total reader who read it)? Total collection ( the reader who add the story in their library)? Total of power stones voted by the readers? Total reviews (quality ratings) in that particular novel main page? Or based on editor marks? If it about power stones, can we vote our own novel? Is it considered cheated? I'm very curious about it. I'm sorry if all my question is crossing the line as a participant. Thank you for time reading it.
ArriaCross I can access it now. It brighten my day!
- Edited
Please check out my story.
Miss Nuggets and Lemonade.
I just publish the first 5 chapters. Let me know your feedback!
Thank you in advance:D[links] (
I trully like your artwork. It just not my luck then to request the cover too. Since the request already closed. Hope you reopen very soon. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Silent Scarlettt!!
I can't access it yet..the discord author server
Even though I have already put novel links really upset me.AerynSun Seriously? At least 1500 words each for every chapters?
Thank you Moirane !!! I have discord ID, shima#0758Yes, like reinesse said , you need to make sure the size of image is 600x800 px (600 wide x 800 height pixels) and the size is less than 5 mb. I used photepea . Its kind of online photoshop and its free! But if you just want to simple resize it, you can try this : . (I don't use it but the site seems easy to use for beginner) Hope it works.
Merry Christmas to you too :D
Thank you :D
Thank you for answering my question :DMerry Christmas everyone who celebrate it
Mynovel20 Glad it works for you :D
#Miss Nuggets and Lemonade
Genre : Romance
Between love and duty, which one is one person should choose when it comes to marriage?
But in my story? Its a little of both when I enter this new phase of life.
As a result? Big AWKWARD. Yup. Even with the big capital letters can't sum up my feelings. Because it mix with guilty, feeling wrong, tense, a little bit giddy when facing my new borrowed handsome husband. And why is that? It because the groom end up marrying the bridesmaid when my big sister, the bride went missing on that big event!Please don't hesitate to give comments, reviews, suggestions and even mean-well-critiques. All is welcome :D
Mynovel20 have you publish yet your chapter in auxiliary volume? Mine works after I have publish it.
Comments from Lizabelle88 and WinterBud really put me into a shame. Because I'm also one of the insecurity writer who put my vote for my own story. During my lunch which just ended now, I've been thinking, should I stick with my original plan writing or try to follows trends of popular story in the ranking. So both comments caught me surperise. After read this comments, I think I better write the stories by addressing both issues at the same time. .
And yes, I decide to read all you guys works and use my power stone there, tonight. No more guilty feelings and help others newbies too.