Please take over Lord Xueying from radianttranslation
this is one of the best IET novel out there. also the newest one.
Please take over Lord Xueying from radianttranslation
this is one of the best IET novel out there. also the newest one.
@WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL can you try to find this IET novel a new home? its nearly 2-3 month inactive and everyone likes IET novels
Billdoor You will hear the good news very sooooooooon!
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL yay, thank you :)
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Damn, I like how that sounds :D
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL this reminds me of blizzards SoonTM, the timespan is from now until the end of time :D
Will you pick up the older chapters or the new ones only? Would be nice to re-read from the start on QI
damn this is getting really frustrating, post the novel on your site or let radiant translate it further... that I even utter the word in favor of radiant...
Trust me when I say that Qidian's soon is not the same as Blizzard's. QI likes to maintain a sufficient backup of chapters before officially releasing it. This means that QI is likely to have Lord Xue Ying already translated partially. Just be patient guys, EndlessFantasy has titles that we started translating in April that has yet to be released. That's almost half a year's worth of chapters.
Can't wait.
more than 1 month ago since i request this novel, but still on process negotiation?
why qidian so slow?
this novel is really really good, has a lot of chapters, and created from one of the famous author
i will disappointed if after such a long time, qidian only release 3 chapters/week like radianttranslation.
Tomz I think they're backing up on chapters in case there's an emergency or they want a stockpile. From Qi's enthusiastic post I think LXY is currently being translated but not being released.
i dont think that is the reason, many translator can translate more than 50 chapters/month. How many chapters qidian want to stock? it doesn't make sense to me.
its possible this is similar to beseech the devil which was renamed (by er gen himself) and retranslated from scratch
the only viable excuse they can give me now it that they translate it until the end and release everything!
they had more then 2 month, more likely 3. They didn't deign themselves to give a good and accurate information policy and just shat on their customers...
Chill people. The translators can't release when they want; they need to consult with their boss.
Me want. And also I think radiant themselves was wanting to gain rights to the translation of it or something. Which was the reason they stopped and they have mentioned something about it taking longer. Anyway, I do want to read this again, was very good novel.
I like to Necro old threads that should be released Soon... well it seems it is SoonTM.
@WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL any news on the LXY front ?