Just a little bit of advice for new authors just like me...hehehe. Focus on building a good plot, make sure you creates likeable main characters, try to edit much of your mistakes and typo's as early as you can, try to make your story develop a good foundation first, make your words easy to understand for your readers and above all....Give all your best to your story. Focus on that major task first....and the rest will follow. Getting obsessive with word count, views and collection can hamper yourself from enjoying making your story. If you produce a good and addicting story, people will love it and let them speak for your story. Let the people decide...
When you already do your best, just wait... It's up to the world if your story is good or not. No amount of self voting can make a good and addicting story, so instead of getting obsessive in making your story popular, try to get obsessive in making your story worth reading, after all you want to produce something good for everyone to read...not produce a trash, am I right? In short, I want to ask this to all new authors...What is important to you? A popular and trash story or a very good story that is worth anybody's time and attention? Your answer, whatever it is, will be the defining turning point of your life as a writer.
A good and addicting story will live forever in the memories of the reader. And one more thing, not everyone can become a true author or writer, many aspiring author just don't have that "magic" a certain quality that most famous successful and brilliant story teller have.
So new author...what do you think we have to do? Let's produce a good story first, no matter how long it takes and enjoy making them in the process. Take care all and good luck!