Hahaha, I didn’t mean 1,500 as a rule of thumb. It was just a sample of what kind of statistics it would be nice to be able to refer to.

Although so far all my chapters have been 1,700 to 1,800 words without me planning out this length...

I heard that some authors write between 1,500 and 3.000 words per chapter... 😱😱😱

    Join the inkstone Discord author server and you can chat with all the authors there. It's really lively there. As long as you've published through Inkstone, you can access it.

      ArriaCross I posted the link to my novel a day ago in #novellinks as they asked but was still not added to the server so I wasn’t sure what I’d find in Discord yet...

      Will check it out again and hope that I’m on by now... πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘

        I can't access it yet..the discord author server
        Even though I have already put novel links really upset me.

          sometimes i find myself writing 2k words for a chapter then later i cant even come up with 500 lmao

          Also i've written like 15-20 different starts for my novels but i still haven't released one. I'm too much of a perfectionist i guess...

            Littleordinary It's actually an art form to be able to write stories shorter and it can be quite enjoyable. There are some people who specialise in Twitter stories where they try to capture the essence of stories and still make it interesting in very few words. 😊😊😊

              Siterus Seems like most authors target an average of 1.8k to 2k words per chapter based on what I've been reading.

              I'd love to read some of what you've been writing. Part of my philosophy for WN is that I can release imperfect chapters out, then refine it in future based on feedback, grammatical errors, etc.

              Then maybe in future...I can dream about getting something published in print. 😍😍😍 50 years down the road maybe... πŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺ

                AerynSun thing is i'm actually pretty confident about my grammar, but i don't think my "story" is interesting enough, or that it is so complicated that nobody will understand what the hell is going on, so i keep trashing them.

                been doing this for a few months now lol. Though, I plan on releasing something sooner than later this month, maybe join the competition.

                  Siterus same here lol... even i can't understand wha i'm trying to convey T_T

                    Siterus I try to put/write out a plan. Like the main idea of each chapter that I'm thinking to write. You don't have to do it in order, it just helps placing your thoughts right.

                      tara_ Go to the desktop version of your Inkstone and the Discord info is in there. ☺

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