NatsumeRikka here you go. Your book link just copy and paste.
Inkstone broken?
DragonKnight531 whoah, thnx u saved me a lot of trouble
DragonKnight531 Sure, I'm always free to read books
Lord_of_sleep I like the MC a lot. Plot is one of my favourites. Aside from the short chapters in beginning and some common grammatical mistakes, it was pretty easy to read. Waiting for more updates.
NatsumeRikka Ok i'll have a read of yours tomorrow morning. I saw it was only 12 chapters. A bit sleepy right now so I wouldn't be able to give the best review I can.Will at least read the first chapter before sleeping though. Thanks by the way glad you liked it.
NatsumeRikka I like it but have a few suggestion. Ok after reading your first chapter there is alot of information given to the reader. I think you could have stretch that one chapter into more. Also the sentences don't flow into one another.
For instance for awhile it felt like I was just being given facts and not reading a story taking place. As a reader I like info but I would rather the first chapter be about the Mc. Like the chapter could have only been about the grave scene at that was the main topic for it.
I think you have some awesome ideas I must say though
Lord_of_sleep oh.. Okay thnx, I'll keep that in mind and make changes accordingly.
it was fixed in version 3.3.5, now only 50% user can update
Lord_of_sleep what!! That's exactly what I said
ReachZhaiTW of course I'm in the 50% that it doesn't work for ooof
DragonKnight531 You stealing my thoughts man lol
NatsumeRikka Ok I'll have a read of the rest
Lord_of_sleep wha- me hahhahaha maybe, lol I wrote it on her first chapter though that's the only difference, if we both saw that it means its not just 1 reader but a glaring problem
DragonKnight531 Yh that's true but it's good when you have others that can identify the problem. Sometimes the writer won't see certain things
DragonKnight531 hey you should give my book a read too
Lord_of_sleep sure, :-)
DragonKnight531 already 100% released
fixed version has released in google play ,plz update
ReachZhaiTW yeah works for me now