
Not the best ratio out there, but I'm actually surprised that it's getting a steady number of views when my uploads are so sporadic lol, pretty satisfied overall though! Hopefully it'll get better once I manage to stick to a schedule and post more often!

Veronica8 I think that's kind of the issue in my case: if it were a few months ago, I would have said Cyberpunk, but certain elements necessitated switching over to GameLit/LitRPG, and then eventually just Isekai--albiet very dark for an isekai.

Mine tend to be more about "fear fullfillment" and less "wish fullfillment" as generally thought of with isekai. And there are a number of aspects that make it...well not isekai, but just a very dark kind of Cyberpunk fiction with elements of the Gothic.

And now it's even worse, as it's closer to a "hyper technical" magical realism.

    bacon_bacon Embarrassing? Honey, or should I say Bacon, I’ve got you beat.

    21.4k views but only 20 collections.
    I dare anyone with a novel two months old to beat (err I guess it’s actually be worse than lol) that! .....Actually I hope no one can because I wouldn’t wish this on anyone. 😂

    I only have myself to blame for this lol

    SarahWeaver6 Huh sounds interesting! I’m kinda the same with being isekai but a dark one that’s highly technical in the magic/fantasy.

    I figured that’s what’s been scaring away the people who have obviously read it but don’t subscribe.

    It’s risky doing something different, but it makes it more memorable and interesting imo (or maybe I’m just stubborn). So keep at it! (:

      Chryiss That and there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of consensus whether an isekai can be a virtual world or not.

      Ex. Someone reborn as a computer program, or at least a human spirit that haunts a computer program.O_o The entire game world is basically engineered by the Isekai experience of someone experiencing "Electronic Afterlife". In this sense, afterlife and gaming are treated as different things.

        SarahWeaver6 Yes very true. It’s a broad story plot. It has its foundations in gaming and virtual reality. Now it’s generally any other world.

        As I'm actively updating, guess I should keep tracking stats.

        Zaldizko {BL} Ratio 370:1↑8
        Still shocked about the collection gains. I don't get it.

        To My Sunflower {BL} 441:1 ↑7
        Steady growth. I aim to release a chapter weekly until I can maintain a routine to go daily.

        To Like A Man {BL} 566 ↑ 58
        The interest is there, but the story is no longer in the running for the #59 comp since the criteria is power stones & prompt. Doesn't matter, I'll finish this story no matter what. I aim to release a chapter weekly with the same intention as Sunflower.

        Minecraft: A New Beginning Ratio 1:252

        My views and collections suddenly skyrocketed since I got featured which makes me happy and scared since I didn't expect to have these many followers when I started writing my novel.

        Oh, well. Guess I have to focus on writing my Minecraft fanfiction for now and just halt my plans to start a new novel.

        Neobear Nice. It's better to have lower reads to a collection.

        Example is 100:1 is better than 200:1.

        This means that for every 100 views a person has decided to add the book to their library. The lower the views, means that more readers are interested in the story enough to either want to read more of it later or loyally following it.

        This calculation isn't an exact science, but it's the best trend tracking stat we have so far.

          Veronica8 but how does the views work? Does it count each time a person reads, even if he rereads the chapters again and again?

            Neobear I can't find the post I read. My understanding it's when someone opens the book and reads a page. That's as much as I know.

              Well it's now climbing to 9.518 views and 3 collections. That's actually twice the amount of anything I've gotten in other places.

              Even if this is a much much later version, and more reflective of the final work.

                SarahWeaver6 Same, on Wattpad (original platform I posted on) I got one person who followed, but I’m pretty sure disappeared after the 5th something part. And last time I checked, views were under a hundred.

                Webnovel is definitely better, but maybe because my statistical standards are risen now, I found Royal Road to be more effective in gaining followers/collections than Webnovel without promoting anywhere. I got 14 people in 6 days when I just barely went over 20 collections a day ago after over two months.

                Also, I think the views make more sense. It baffles me how 1 person decides to stick a story in their library after a thousand or so views. Not even poorly written stories should have that ratio.

                  Chryiss I'll have to see about the poetry. People were already speculating if I was more of a poet over there, and in fact I almost quit writing prose. It's nothing as extreme as other writers in the past, but I had gotten myself into a rut a bit. And that was the strangest thing, my poetry got my views there. Not sure why.

                  But glad to be back to doing prose. Even if it's shorter chapters.

                    SarahWeaver6 Actually, I find that poetry gets more views simply because it’s quicker to read and delivers more impact in a smaller space.

                    As for me, I’ve gotten into trouble with my writing for being too “poetic” and thus hard to read (I’ve toned it down since). I can’t call myself a poet in any sense of the real form (I've only written a dozen or so poems too). I just like pretty language, imagery, and symbolism, but in terms of overall depth of meaning where one could have philosophical conversation about life on it? Nahhhh~~ I’ve never had that talent of a few simple words/lines that pack a lot of meaning. It’s amazing really.

                    So way to go poet! I'd love to read your poems sometime.

                      Chryiss Yes specifically a hybrid of French, Spanish, and Japanese forms. Flalaiku is a port portmanteau of Flamenco, Lai, and Haiku.

                      Although it ended up rubbing off on how I edited my prose as well: hoping it wont be to overpowering. My work just sort of became its own culture, after fusing cross-cultural elements. So now even though there is a small element of historical fiction there (it's a historical and science fiction fusion), it's really its own thing: specifically Anna-Marie is neither French, Irish, or Japanese.

                      It seems like that be harder to translate across cultures in the long term.

                        SarahWeaver6 Holy cow, Flalaiku sounds damn awesome!

                        And I think the mixing is really cool. It adds originality and style to ones writing. I can see how it’s more difficult to translate across cultures, but honestly I think it would do a lot of good to open up people’s eyes to other cultures and histories.

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