I just started publishing yesterday and I'm at 816 views with 2 collections.
Maybe it's because my first chapter is pretty long or maybe it's a garbage start, I'd really just love to hear some opinions honestly. Even one comment would make my day 😊.

Even if they just say "you stink man, and story is doo doo bum bum."

The silence just makes me feel uncomfortable.


    42 collections and 13.8k views= 1/309.5

    I'm not sad, it's only been 15 days since I started writing, but I can do better! >3</

    Stats now: 13.1k views across 16 chps with 7 collections.

    I lost a couple of collections on Zaldizko, that's okay. I'm happy with my views since it's way more than I had originally expected. It's a different story to your typical YA Fantasy-Magical Realism.

      Veronica8 Zaldizko has 12.1K views to 9 collections.
      So ratio is 1344:1?
      It's pretty small-time since it has only been live for a month. I'm open for some readers :smile:

      To My Sunflower has 6919 views to 25 collections. Only been live since writing prompt #46 two weeks back. Again open for some readers :wink:
      Ratio is 276:1?

      Today's closing figures are:
      Zaldizko Ratio is 1900:1 :confounded:
      To My Sunflower Ratio is 308:1

        As of now for my new novel ‘Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO’ it is:
        Views 49k
        Collections 400
        I released it 9-10 days back. So I am guessing that the ratio will decrease as the views will increase...

        AJZHEN ratio of 1:95 more or less. That's pretty impressive but at the same time, it is the romance genre, so that's more usual than other types I would say. Not to berate romance, but I think that those readers have more chance of following a good story than other types like fantasy and such.

        I read a little bit of the story and I think it has great potential. It's undeniable that there are grammar errors, but I see that the more you advance in chapters, the less mistakes there are.

        I think Fell is an interesting character with a well thought personnality and I think I want to know where this guy will end up

          Now your collection increased by one more. Also inserted a tiny review. Keep up the good work and promote more! >3</


            Funnily enough, it's a book you've read before. LoL.

            Anyway, am attempting to act mysterious here and too lazy to post the collection graph. Congrats on top 100 btw!

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