From what I know and have understood, chapters don't determine anything. Meaning that someone can click on chapter 46 of your novel, read this entire chapter, and it counts as 1 view. Another can only read chapter 1 and it counts as 1 view. But if someone read more, for example, your entire novel, it is still 1 view.
1 View is the fact that they have read something, not that they have read 1 chapter. I can also be wrong, but this is an ongoing discussion since May 2018 where the term Views and Collections are in perpetual debate whether or not they are accurate and fair.
Because if it goes by your logic that 1 view is 1 chapter read, that would mean LoHP (Library) doesn't even have 1M that read the entire thing. And that is impossible since it is the top 3 novels since the creation of this site. Everyone has read it and more than 1M people have passed the 1k chapters mark for the 105 M Views.
The only variable is the "Guests" that read something. Those that don't have account. They may add duplicate views if they are using different devices.

1 collection every 100k views

Hmm hard to say if I feel unsatisfied about it. This ratio looks pretty good😁

Mine is about 121:1 (v:c)
I believe that will only increase with time, as the number of collections stabilizes (or go down :)), while number of views will keep rising.


    Leborn James is a normal dude, but hes still a big deal.
    You are too.

    He got one up on you for now however.

      I'm ashamed for bitching all this time. My ratio's been playing at 1:170, and I've been tracking my views per chapter published. I really wish I could separate the views from those who'd just found the story from the ones who came to read specifically for that newly released chapter. Anyway, it got 5k views in two days, then I released the next chapter and tracked again. That two days were during the weekends though, so that might not be the real average.

      You may all stone me to death now.

      334:1 Not exactly a great ratio. But the ratios will always get worse the longer a novel exists.

        Hyowha Overlord_Venus
        I'm so glad this was posted. I've always wondered how other author's do.
        1,107 views / 4727 Collections / 1:234 Ratio
        Although, I'd probably be doing better if I could release more often. 3 per week release rate. Also, only at 53 chapters.

          Lighthouse This is true, I just recalculated, it's at around 190 now. Fickle, fickle~

            Hyowha Speaking of no daily updates, has anyone here confirmed that that's required to be featured on the front page? Or just for the "daily updates" category? (The rules for this are like easter eggs...)

              WinterBud as far as I know, you need daily updates, as I talked with edgarry and he said to get on trending I need to do daily updates first, but that may have been only my case.

                WinterBud A base of 50k words written needed and an upload rate > 7 chapters/week. Meaning that past the 50k words, if you have a stable update, you will one day enter the "trending" category. As for daily updates, it is still 50k words and just you posting a chapter. Those numbers are the one given a while ago but should still be relevant.
                Also, the higher you are in the original rank, the better it is I think. There is also a number of ??k words written between two apparitions in the "trending" category but those ?? I have no idea. Probably 25k words I would say, meaning that for two consecutive times, you would write at least a little more than 3.5k words each day.

                  Mine is 222:1
                  Yeah,life's tough. I'm dealing with it. Kudos to all authors and editors out there(~_~)

                    Love_XYZ I'm kinda new, though, so I guess I can't complain too much.

                      10 days later

                      Cool thread. I'll give it a go, although my statistical maths is terrible.

                      Zaldizko has 12.1K views to 9 collections.
                      So ratio is 1344:1?
                      It's pretty small-time since it has only been live for a month. I'm open for some readers :smile:

                      To My Sunflower has 6919 views to 25 collections. Only been live since writing prompt #46 two weeks back. Again open for some readers :wink:
                      Ratio is 276:1?

                      I honestly don't know if these numbers are a good indication for this site or not. Probably not since it doesn't really generate too much activity. I can't complain since I've only been here a month. If Anything, the views are telling me my cover and blurb are drawing in the interest at least. I hope.

                        So what is a healthy ratio? There is no comparison with authors who are featured or have very popular novels, but what is the average?
                        I was looking at the posts above and on an average it happened to be somewhere around 230:1
                        What do you all think...?

                          I think the collection will still depend on how often you publish a chapter. A lot of readers will check how often you publish a chapter before adding your book.

                          I published my novel 2 weeks ago. I post 1 chapter per day. 2 if I feel like it.

                          So far I have 112k views and 783 collections.

                          Though my novel is not that good. Hahaha 😂

                            I just started publishing yesterday and I'm at 816 views with 2 collections.
                            Maybe it's because my first chapter is pretty long or maybe it's a garbage start, I'd really just love to hear some opinions honestly. Even one comment would make my day 😊.

                            Even if they just say "you stink man, and story is doo doo bum bum."

                            The silence just makes me feel uncomfortable.


                              42 collections and 13.8k views= 1/309.5

                              I'm not sad, it's only been 15 days since I started writing, but I can do better! >3</

                              Stats now: 13.1k views across 16 chps with 7 collections.

                              I lost a couple of collections on Zaldizko, that's okay. I'm happy with my views since it's way more than I had originally expected. It's a different story to your typical YA Fantasy-Magical Realism.

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