TYErannical Have you read 'Road to Kingdom'? It's a masterpiece of a JP novel and no, it's not boring and characters don't piss me off. There are no game elements whatsoever, it's purely a kingdom+harem building novel.

    Odinlowe and the number 1 CN NL for that is mga ..as I'm sure bee has no clue as to what he has done or were it going, sometimes i think he needs to reread his own work from chapter 1

      TYErannical yeah you hate japanese light novels why dont you keep it to yourself? And besides this is a Chinese webnovel site/app so ranting to Japanese light novels is unnecessary

      GoGo and characters are believable most of the times(in LN's.... not WN)

      Honestly..... Beta jap cucks are never believable. Ever. But otherwise good points were made.

        Ouch. I wish you wouldn't generalize all Japanese novels so quickly. The issue is that there ARE a ton of bad JP novels, but that goes for KR and CH too. Web novels have a super low barrier to entry, so anything can get published, even terrible writing that wouldn't have a snowball's chance in hell of reaching a publisher in the western world. You simply need to know how to pick the best to read. This is like drinking a cheap $2 wine and then saying all wines are crap. You're simply drinking the bad stuff.

        Avoid Beta MC's no matter what language. I don't know why authors love writing them, but do pick the badass ones. "Overlord" is one people above have recommended, and I concur. I also definitely recommend "Dungeon Defense" as this work is a TRUE WORK OF LITERATURE. The dialogue and descriptions are magical, and all the characters are psychotic (in an awesome twisted, dark humor kind of way). And the translator does the absolute best job of translating the novel, even replicating how the pages are drawn/formatted (he translates from a physical copy of the book) because there's some amazing effect in how the text is printed on the page. Be warned that it's also pretty raunchy at times, but not in a cheap slut kind of way, but a super classy inviolable courtesan kind of way.

        a month later
        2 years later

        I agree jap mcs are just mostly cucks. They take way too long to accomplish anything that it becomes boring. I hate anime girls and the various gestures and chanrs they do.

          8 months later
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