I thought this might be a trap but clicked it anyway. Um, without seeing exactly what you're referencing, I would say that hating a person's country is like insulting their parent. If the hate is over-generalized, it feels misplaced when it doesn't seem to apply to the individual reading it. Wouldn't you feel wronged by getting crap from someone you haven't personally done anything to? I can also speak from personal experience that many Americans feel helpless about our corrupt politics and evil corporate empires.
It has been the case that humans tend to get greedy since money and power were first used. It is unfortunate that America's faults affect the rest of the world so much. Us poor Americans just try to put food on the table as well as we can without causing anybody harm. At least, that's what me and mine do.
We're stuck between a rock and a hard place and then we get scorn from random people for things we have no power over. As a voter, I've come to feel that voting has just been a way to placate the masses by making us think our voices matter. It seems like it takes the politically motivated news to sensationalize an issue before it even gets addressed and I'm sure we've all seen how that can get out of control.
In summary, the world is getting scary for many of us and we often find ourselves lashing out when we feel frustrated. The comments section of such and such story is an easy place to vent for some people. I haven't done so myself. I find writing a story is what helps me survive my stress more than anything else.
Then again, some people just don't like it when you bash what's theirs no matter what.