MysteryOriginal Do you have the logs to show that you purchased those?
Chapters locked again
CKtalon yo, what happened after my chat to you and I even chatted to dev he was going to get as well that was 2 weeks ago,
i showed my posted screen pic's and I give my id etc,
you were going to get back to be over a month ago ???
should I be reporting this to PayPal and asking for my cash back ( as I trust no internet company ),
as on top of my missing unlocks which you saw and we chat in this forums about,
today I basically work out that the novel I was buying gifts for seems to be dumped bt the tl team with no warning after gifting today as well I can remember all the QI CSR's comments on novelupdates say qi is the best etc ...oddly i still have those screen pics from the post before it was added to the mega post on novelupdates
You should try to encourage us... We unlock chapters instead you lock them... It's so discouraging....
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Pizz IIRC, the 1SS chapters were a problem with the backend, which made those TNC chapters 1 SS. Since it was Webnovel's fault, they are honoring their price mistake. Which I assume you still have them unlocked.
As for the others, it seems like you just didn't purchase those chapters.
FYI, no one is going on NU to do CSR stuff. NU figures very little in the big scheme of things already. Only a few translators will go there to stir up drama for the lulz, but it's done openly with their nicks.
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CKtalon the 1ss bit wasn't a huge problem, but with not only my comments but a lot of others, there is no way you can totally say it is you missed a chapter total..
I do agree 1/2 max but not a with the gaps i showed and timing..
The CRS bit was from before QI had the site even running it was all from novelupdates...
rem all the promises in the mega post that goes back over 3/4yrs-ish
you should do you even have comments in it ...
Those CRS comments come from then ...
if you don't rem that far back ..a lot of users do and even have saved forum posts ..
for a reminder QI, in fact, had 3+ CSR's in total due to comments and posts they posted wrongly ( and they we're replaced) .....
if you still have a problem with that ..their still in that same mega post and achieved on novelupdates ,
you forget some of us readers have been reading and part of the community for a very long time
( given my age, I'd even call myself old )
unlike some of the newer ones that have no clue like qi having to go thru 3 facebook pages due to the comments created by the CRS's on novelupdates ps I'm an FB group admin for a novel group and we even still have posts also part of facebooks (own) admins group
rem all the problems with WW and the GT buy out, the replies on reddit from GGp ..
I do
as I was questioning stuff and even had my comments screenshot and re-posted on that mega post by someone else at the time if you still unsure about that CSR stuff i can post it happily, I hate being brushed off I just like problems fixed, i need to do for my IT company when mistakes happen
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Pizz That was nearly two years ago. Besides, the megathread is filled with wrong information from both parties, not to mention that it's highly biased against Webnovel. Any logical errors raised or 'evidence' shown are just ignored as shilling, so the staff doesn't bother with them anymore.
I'l try to get the exact log of the chapters you purchased from the devs (beyond the six months). Which book are we talking about?
CKtalon cheers, and yeah an also agree a lot of wrong things were said from a lot of side's,
I was even a backer of your ad unlocks when other were not, were I didn't agree with other stuff like forgive me saying this one CSR going on and on about Tencent creating the website and app designs with the end idea of the site being a totally multimedia site ..
I myself think that's a pity, as you did slowly go that way with the TKA anime and I'm looking forwards to i believe the end of this month or the start of Feb 19th for the season 2
my FB group is rabid for it and ofc i will be post that on release as we do for a lot of stuff, but it would be great to get the anime back and the comics are cool but I think the wrong price balance is a little off
going back to your novel request its 3 novels and i will get them on her later on and I'll even redo the screen pics, as I said I can as you said say maybe I missed 1-2 possibly but not all that's all that been my point as I log in every day since day one on this account also comment to get the max 70 xp as i'm sure you note by looking at my id .. i hope to add the screen pics in next few hours as on phone at the sec
The same happened to me with Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao a couple of months ago, its quite frustrating.
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Quidian relocks chapters.
When i first had some chapters relocked i tried contacting quidian. I was told post screenshots. The relocks were from older than 6 months so screenshots were impossible. I post what I can research and what happens? Nothing dead thread.
Respondees will humor you for a bit but Quidian themselves do nothing. So i am left with chapters relocked after spending SS on them and 0 answer as to why Quidian does not mention it in their SS explanations.
Only thing i can come up with is they are trying to be the steriotypical chinese that we read about in all their translated books. Carring about face while never fully holding up to what they proclaim.
If i sound unhappy about it, it is because i AM unhappy about it.
Tanukix i wad wondering if am alone in this the chapters gt locked like 66 of them in genius doc. BBM
CKtalon I feel like this is a big problem since alot people are starting to complain about it and like i said before i dont have tje logs for every chap i unlocked since alot of it was older than 6 months.
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CKtalon ok i've had a lot on but those are the novels we spoke about and you said a dev can check past ie past that cut of date aftr that 6mths
1: The Nine Cauldrons I've got locked and unlock all over the place and there is no way I'd unlock 1 chapter then miss 3-4 then unlock 2/3, then miss 5-7 only to unlock few odd chapters yet again ..sorry but no way that would happen and I know I did stop i think about 120-30 due to cost but before that i used adds and freestones
MMORPG: Martial Gamer
once again huge unlocks then 2-3 locked, then huge unlocks well past 369...once again ads and freestones as my last unlock was 22/08 and I cross-checked my whole list ...and
MMORPG: Martial Gamer doesn't show up once before or after as I pointed out before I used free ss or ad's as YOUR SYSTEM DOSEN'T COUNT THEM
3Lord Xue Ying,
now this one's fun as I can see I used some paid for stones in the history,
but then I get huge gaps of unlocked up to Chapter 569: Killing!
4:Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich once again huge unlocks then 1 chapter locked in odd places
so it proves without a problem, your system upgrade did screw up chapters due to ads and some freestones
there are a few other novels but they should also show up as you check as i have over 25-30 ,
some fully finished and they aren't a problem but others are
I've read comic's / manga novels jp/cn/kr's for over 30yrs+ and i work in IT building and fixing servers and o/s ..... and there is no way you or the devs can tell me there isn't a problem
if it needs to be I'll ask for my gdpr compliance under EU law, which means you have to show me all my data.. even if you are in China as your trading in the EU, ( yeah I even know you are hosted off Tencents main ip as i geoip traced you) just in case some at Tencent has forgotten what the GDPR is
as I said I'm not a 13year old who just started reading and easy to be brushed off ,
it also doesn't help think i can't do any reading of my 2 main novels so I'm a little hmmm and also I've been doing your devs work in the beta testing bit tell people how to install your new app and its bugs
i do hope this can be fixed
Tanukix I didn’t have this problem but I koticed that yhey are slowly giving us less and less free stones... Even though on the weekend we get 15SS and 50EXP, it is just a cover. The other says we get 8SS, EXP or Power Stones. For how they changed things, EXP and Power Stones are no more useful like before.
I hope there'll be another app where we can read the novels ata reasonable price. Webnovel is getting worse
There is app out there like webnovel , but they are not greedy. All novel is free.
Here the link Click Here
Pizz lmao, we've always beta tested and CSR'ed for them whenever there's an update. Just look at all the threads that were answered by regular users.
Historically, there's always a problem when a big update goes live and as usual, you can't find official support anywhere for normal problems.
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MaryFord yup and its good to have info out, as it seems you aren't from EU or you'd know why its good to make that point but my comment would be no use to you if your not and if I'm wrong and you are EU that damn learn your rights, so no need to lmao when you don't know the whole, it then becomes a waste of typing, and reading your wall posts and replies .."western prices etc oh and they are not normal prices in the west its insane pricing just so you know ) ,, tells me your not EU so its a pity. you did waste your typing for something you can't take advantage of
Pizz I know about GDPR even though I am in the US because of the Sony data breach. I'm only laughing on the whole CSR thing because I've done the same thing myself and know that the people working the bug forums are not flexible in understanding people's problems. The burden of proof and explaining the steps how the bug happened is on the user. I know this is a problem for everyone affected by the relocks as all the unlock history is in this website that you can't DL easily and a bug can destroy all that. I know that they have run the relocking at least 4 different times and I've seen someone posting that their chapters got relocked every time. I'm not surprised if yours did because people have noted that unlocks on discount days might be affected as well as old ad-based unlocks. Mine doesn't have that issue on the books I really follow so I can't help out on that fight.
As for pricing, I'm aware it's expensive for entertainment in general. However, the pricing is comparable to F2P MMO pricing in Western servers rather than Southeast Asia (hell, even cheaper at times). Webnovel has always priced itself for Western consumption ever since premium started, which is weird because the labor seems to primarily come from SEA so you know they can price cheaper. Their events have been in SEA thus far. This means they've priced out that audience for this subscription model.
That's why I find it hard to care about the premium system these days ever since I saw that it was based on the old, voluntary patreon donations. I know they will price higher for no real reason but monopoly. They finally did the subscription-based system that many have criticized premium for. However, they've shown to me that there is no business plan to grow this as younger readers are priced out. Hell, I was even looking for a long trial period to see how bad it is because I know there will be bugs and as expected of webnovel, nothing.
That price is definitely not based on other competing forms of entertainment like Prime but on the survey and their data. Hell, if I find out that their ebooks go free with Amazon Prime, I will laugh because Prime is cheaper.
That's why we vote with our wallets. However, the problem is that the site has accumulated enough people for you and I not to matter anymore.