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Writing Prompt: Mage
Sarah is a product of joint experiments between earth science and Iocyania magical technology. Previously, Sarah was just a monkey lab. Now that the evolution has been completed in a lab scale, Sarah has a physical body that is not much different from the magical girl in the city of Mage, except for her tail, which traces her origins. Because of this, she was allowed to roam in Iocyania, the planetary home of the mage.
Prof. Jack adopted Sarah as his daughter, along with other abandoned children they found. Teaching them mathematics, science, Earth modern pop culture, MMA and even Earth superstition.
While the Magus, Maestro Meyrlion Titan appointed Sarah and her brothers and sisters to be her main students. Teach them all the top-notch mage sciences in Iocyania.
Without Sarah and her family realizing, the era in Iocyania would undergo a drastic change. War on territorial struggle, hunting of natural resources and magefuel and global warming will be the toughest challenges for them to survive in Iocyania. And without them knowing it, a large hole had appeared in the Iocyania atmosphere, due to the use of forbidden magic sigils.
And the fire of the challenge was slowly targeting their residence in Mount Luwa, and the cities of the mages: Magetan and Magelang City ...