hey... please check the ads that are running in this site. i am unsure what kind of age limit this site has but if its also catering to kids who enjoy reading webnovels then i think you need to see what kinds of ads are being displayed.. I am not sure what this ad is about but with it being written in Chinese but.. You know... I would like to know kids are not seeing it.
BUT if this site hasn't any age restriction... I could care less. I would like to add a pic to support my statement but i cant seem to find a way to do it here... so well.. that is all... Happy New Year!
Oh yeah i forgot to mention that the ads had people doing the deed...

    This site has multiple small kids visiting it on daily basis, and though I don't know much about ads(always using my spirit stone), But this thing shouldn't exist here...... @Neverfire7 You should know people! Use your connections!!

      Apparently kids are checking porn once they're 10 years old these days due to smartphones. They aren't as innocent as you think. Ads are usually based on cookies anyways, so if you're seeing people that are doing the deed.... Well ;)

        AyameKnight to add pics
        1. take a screenshot. (If on pc press the print scrn button and go to ms paint. Use the Paste function and your screenshot appears. Save it to desktop)
        2. go to an image hosting website like postimage.org
        3. Upload the image to the site and change resolution to something like 640x480.
        4. Copy the direct link that you get and come over here.
        5. Paste it in this format
        ![picture](add direct link here)

        Honestly the only ads that I get is some Forex ad and some mobile game apps. I would like some variety as watching ads is getting somewhat boring

          AyameKnight Btw did you know that ads are shown to you specifically according to your browsing history? Like i get lots of gaming and food ads. I do buy food online like Dominoes ect. and i get Dominoes ads for example. So i don't know what kind of add you are talking about, but there must be a reason it's being shown to you atleast hehe...

            i get mobo games but 90% the same car game or dishwasher tablets, so i don't think its based that much on your history, as I've never looked for dishwasher tablets also you can turn off the ad id's in chrome/windows etc like I do , I think that's why I get the tablets lol

              don't want to offend anyone, but usually these kind of personalized ads is generated according to your browsing history collected by 3rd party (or your facebook usage if login using facebook)

                Daoist2017 yup that's why you should always turn off your ad id's with FB / Google/chrome etc as it helps stop the tracking etc

                  Pizz How do I turn on tracking? I want to see ads about dishwashers. Do I just use Google Chrome and type in Dishwashers?

                    Kingfisher lol no, you need it off to get the dishwasher ad's as it then gives you rubbish ad's faster :)

                      Pizz Anything would be a step up at this point. Will post progress. Rant below

                      Watching the SAME FUCKING ads since Qidian introduced ads 6 MONTHS AGO for EVERY chapter release EVERY day leaves me a little numb to any bullshit ads.

                        Kingfisher Rofl, in fact, I also ranted once about the quilty of the ad's on the site, glad I'm not alone thinking that the ads could be better or more inline with the site

                          Morinu hahaha... damn i should stop visiting myreadingmanga.info
                          but if the ad is based on youtube videos then........... am i just unlucky?? i dont mind if its yaoi but its not... this is troubling..............

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