reported your behavior to qidian, don't worried, i have already screen printed
if it doesn't work, i will report it to the zhihu
reported your behavior to qidian, don't worried, i have already screen printed
if it doesn't work, i will report it to the zhihu
i thought you run the comment/rating section of qi as big data, and find some statistics irregularity, instead, you just think so without anything to back you up
that is pretty low and petty
i'm talking about how Chinese (to some extent, CJK) think about Denmark
probably because Denmark (most north European country) speak good English, and the default foreign language to learn in China is English, so less misunderstanding
but in south Europe (Croatia), I and the local both speak bad English, although the country is also very beautiful, but experience is very bad
also, Denmark has the European experience most Chinese expect
i just found him faking as chinese to criticize chinese despicable
you said you are Chinese, can you prove it?
this is internet, everyone can bullshit
i can say i am of king of england without any proof
no way is he from Denmark, (been to Denmark a few times) Danish are incredibly polite
and a chinese/european girl actually married into the royal family there
think Chinese are racist, because your professor said so (let's assume she exists), is stupid beyond help
don't know where are you come from, in US or Europe, you are considered a racist by these comment
The incentive will be: after contract with qi, qi will require the novel will only be shown up here
What I means is, it is best interest of qi to promote product they has full control
Qi will not promote a product, that could be bought elsewhere
No way this will be implemented
Remember, qi has full control of translation, and 0 control of original novel before any contract
So qi will never treat them equal.
Think about, what if an original novel become so popular, the author demand a lot of money (which I think it is fair) , but this will never happen to translation, qi could just change the translator
Have you use YouTube or Facebook before?
You could find Avenger on youtube if you know how to search smartly
No big UGC platform will manually check all the content before showing to the audience
But Qi definitely should learn something from YouTube, e.g. a flag bad content button
it is very easy to criticize anything, because nothing is perfect
if you have a better idea, why not run a site yourself, and prove it
(it literally take less than 1 week to create a similar site, with so many framework and template on the internet)
i think it is related, because it shows the future of WW is uncertain if all unlicensed novel if removed
And, WW doesn't produce original content, there is always risk of losing those right. Yesterday it is Qidian, tomorrow it would be other publisher. Every publisher want to sell their novel without the middleman cut
try to outsmart QI?
everything you try to do, has already been done millions of times by Chinese script boyes
did your 15 other accounts register from different IP and with different browser cookies ?
qi make traffic, but author also make fame
whether traffic = fame is fair, it is up to individual author, not us
I don't see ad or money involved in original novel, so qi didn't make money at expense of original novel
and those author are no idiot, the choose to publish here, because qi promise a contract if the novel goes big
If you find this unjustified, you could create your own website competing with QI with your better term
And What are you going to achieve here by posting? No matter how many of your words, qi will continue their operation exactly the same, since the boss probably don't read this forum
They should learn from Android market , to upload anything you have to pay 5 dollar
mostly likely reason is: most of the translated novel here is free or soft paywalled, while Chinese version is hard paywalled
Tencent cares about short term profit instead of long term profit, to become global top 10 company?
QI's model is based on qidian's model which is quite successful, why change something when it is already proven to work?