fantasy_land Sure. Hey, I don't want to repeat myself but, please read the synopsis first and you can decide if you want to read it or not. I know it's a review swap but I don't want you to review it just like you obligate to. I hope you can genuinely review it until the vol.2 or vol.3. Because the story will be much clearer there. Take your time and Happy reading! (I just copy paste this) Haha.

fantasy_land stillreading it. Please I may perhaps read it a little longer bevause of my exam amd stuff. I will review yours next week or in sunday πŸ˜€ please wait. I also want to enjoy the story. I don't want to rush it and judgeit rashly. I'll keep the book in my library now.

    Always be sure to read 10 chapters of a story if there are 10 to read before you offer an opinion. Sadly reviewing a book on its opening chapter may not be a fair hearing of a story. Also be sure to offer something besides just "great story bruh.... 111111qq4ew." Be honest even if it's criticism being too nice does no one favors.





      Hey guys,
      It's another one of my novel. There are not many chapters yet and even the story hasn't taken it's original form yet but I want to ask for honest opinions. Note here I am not really asking for reviews but how you feel about the story because I'm kind of thinking of dropping it now. So here's the link
      Name: Everything Matters or Nothing Does

        PeachyPearl I can't say much about it since I don't know what it's supposed to be about.

        It might be nice to add more focus on the main character in her times of sorrow though. I barely saw much about it. One second she was sad, next she was fine. I know you described how her behavior changed from the observations of others but that's barely covering the surface of what she's going through. Adding more descriptive narratives may also help since these people can't read her mind. Like ummm... when a person's sad... does he/she stare off into space? Does he/she doodle scribbles on a notebook? When spoken to, does he/she answer in three words or less? Is his/her voice softer?

        Hope this helps! If you don't feel like it anymore, it's okay to drop a story. If you think it only needs a bit of tinkering then, work on that. Since the story isn't solid yet, try to write an outline so you can assess if you want to keep it or not.

          PeachyPearl ah... I just remembered she's supposed to be someone who can conceal her emotions. Then, it might work better if we get more of what's going through her mind then, compare it to what the people observe

            CailinMatthews thanks for your thoughts. I can be more clear about a reader's aspects now. And as for why I haven't yet described what's going on in her mind is because it's packaged for the later chapters. Thanks again

              When a person is sad he eats cake like so much cake and he reads sweet tender romance novels and cries lmao

                Luna1777 so very helpful. Thank you very much, i am going back to the drawing board and will put in more effort coz of your review. Thanks a lot

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