SouthToiletWizard Both project are interesting. I like to read A Slackers Guide to Immortality in the future. Because I'm a 'cheap person'.
Why it sounds so wrong? XD

    Luna1777. Cheap is the only way to live. One of my favorite short stories I read was about a rich old guy that was dying. All of his family kept telling him that he couldn't take it with him.The only one not hounding him for money was his driver. The old guy gave him the key to his limo in exchange for taking care of his funeral. Long story short the guy gets cremated in a crappy pine box loaded with all of his bonds stock certificates deeds and his other assests turned into paper money. His relatives scramble to try to get the limo but his driver only laughs in their faces as he holds the bill of sale up. Classic Rolls worth 400k sold to the driver for 1 cent it read.

      Luna1777 sadly there is no link. It was out of a literature textbook that I had in middle school English class. That book was published in 1987 I was reading it in 2001 I think.

        Luna1777. Or better yet you could write a story based off that prompt. Rich Guy dies he did take it all with him.
        I'm not big on romance stories but one of those I liked alot was about a girl in a rich family. Her grandfather had been hoping that'd she would marry. He wanted to make sure her husband was a good man. He staged a bankruptcy for the family. He had an apartment in the crappiest part of town that the whole family moved into. The other members of her family started dieing one by one until only the granddaughter remained. The others faked their deaths and were watching everything happen from pinhole cameras at a villa by the sea.
        The girl was completely broke at this point so she phoned the family's old head of security. He sent over a bodyguard that supposedly needed a place to stay until he found another job. He had some savings for them to live off of.... I think you fans of romance can figure out the rest of the story.

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