Ooh, I would like to join! But, it'll take a while for me to finish reading your story! >3</
Ooh, I would like to join! But, it'll take a while for me to finish reading your story! >3</
Luna1777 sadly there is no link. It was out of a literature textbook that I had in middle school English class. That book was published in 1987 I was reading it in 2001 I think.
SouthToiletWizard What a shame, thanks though for the short explanation about the story XD perhaps I'll try to find a similar story from that one.
Hello I have two novels I have posted you can choose whichever one you like best based on their summary. Here's my profile link ---> https://www.webnovel.com/profile/4303625555
They are both romance fiction. One is a vampire romance (human x vampire) in the modern world and other is a demon romance (hunter x demon) in a not so modern world.
JuneChristina Sure, I'll review one of the novels.
Luna1777. Or better yet you could write a story based off that prompt. Rich Guy dies he did take it all with him.
I'm not big on romance stories but one of those I liked alot was about a girl in a rich family. Her grandfather had been hoping that'd she would marry. He wanted to make sure her husband was a good man. He staged a bankruptcy for the family. He had an apartment in the crappiest part of town that the whole family moved into. The other members of her family started dieing one by one until only the granddaughter remained. The others faked their deaths and were watching everything happen from pinhole cameras at a villa by the sea.
The girl was completely broke at this point so she phoned the family's old head of security. He sent over a bodyguard that supposedly needed a place to stay until he found another job. He had some savings for them to live off of.... I think you fans of romance can figure out the rest of the story.
Luna1777 Thanks again for the review. I'm still in the process of reading your story.
Empty queue. Any swaptakers?
Chryiss. Hhjkh
Anyone wanna swap?
rojoneique Yes??
StenDuring Sure :)
lets_get_this_rice Sure :)
lets_get_this_rice https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/12475364205548705. It's a romance novel, don't expect too much. Because it's romance XD
let me join in this review swap. Here is the link of mine. Hope you'll give it some time. https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/12915700306007605?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=4304541632
I'll need a link to yours. These threads are running too fast without frequent updates of links :D
Izannah_Frame sure :)
I Just Want To Live My Life: Flower and You Luna1777
I am a Mafia Boss Elotra
Underwraps JuneChristina
Feisty Dessert JuneChristina
Transition and Restart StenDuring
THE MAL GIRL Izannah_Frame
My World To Live Chryiss
Magic of Ages Elotra
Iridescent Spirit 90751052
Devolved: Path of the beast lets_get_this_rice
The Tales of Three Realms [BL] Paper_Crane
Crimons Love(BL) PoppyQueen
When did I get married?! NatsumeRikka
Will be updated as more new stories are posted on this thread
Return to ALL Review Swaps Thread for more stories
Book_Keeper What's BL?
I'm an old fart not hip to all of you kid's new jiving lingo.
SouthToiletWizard Do you really wanna know sir?
Boys Love.
Book_Keeper Well I had to ask. Sometimes It's best not to know. Not everyone is that open with reading other types of relationships.
Shounen Ai. Slash novels. Middle School Bromance lmao. It goes by many names but the fact still remains it's love. At least the tag was in the title props to the author for that. Im down to read anything that hooks me in. If its comedic and the sex isn't too graphic or the love too mushy im along for the ride usually.
Luna1777 In queue
Anybody on discord? Just thinking about being able to bounce ideas and chat. If I keep typing in word vomit unrelated to reviews it might make the thread huge like Young Three's hands.
I'm at chapter 28 and as far as I can see my review won't be very positive. Do you still want me to proceed? I'll continue reading but won't post a review unless you explicitly give me a go-ahead.
lets swap, here's mine : https://www.webnovel.com/book/11603373206439505/Lust%2C-like-Vengeance%2C-Demands-Red
stupid_villain. Your link sent me to chapter 18. Just figured I would let you know.
StenDuring it's fine I like critism, vol.1 sucks anyway. But I like it if you read it until vol.2 first.
stupid_villain suree
At chapter 79 now. I'll read to the end and post a review.
Luna1777 Review done.
@Luna1777 I reviwed man :D keep it up :D
Just tried to do a word count on my story so far.I suck at math and im too lazy to find my calculator. Rough guess is 15-18000 words my creative prostate has be elerocuted for all its worth. The writing stuff is hard man.
Always open for swaps! And no need to sugarcoat it, I'm always happy with criticism as long as it makes sense XD
A story of storie's
When Alice was still a young girl, there was once an old storyteller that visited her village, and Alice had always loved stories. So she asked the old man:
„What should I do to become like you? Traveling around the villages and telling stories really sounds like fun! I also want to be a storyteller!“
Only sometime later would she remember what he answered her back then:
„Being a storyteller isn't fate, it's a destiny. And if fate is a story, then destiny is its end. To become a storyteller, you will first need a story, and the best story is always your own. But your story still hasn't begun just yet.“
After she left her village, she looked back one last time. Now it was empty, no one lived anymore in the small house where she had lived with her family and the old man that always called her 'little fairy' also wasn't there anymore.
Looking back she wondered: "Is this the begin of my story? My fate?"
Edit: I dont know why, but i only seem to get swap requests from from people who write romance, and I'm not that much of a fan of that. (No offense, just personall preference) So plese ask someone else if its a pure romance.