Rebellion Sect Recruiting Members By yours truly
Master Goat from Cliffhanger Sect seeks alliance
KimochiBlues The cliffhanger sect... :scream: what a scary sect that must be...
Tugster Our sect cultivates the Dao of Cliffhanging. Only cultivators with strong mentality to withstand the cliffs are allowed.
I love how this recruitment thread for the Rebellion Sect became a thread for other sects and clans to advertise their own groups
KimochiBlues Ugh, you goats must be powerful... coughs blood
But what will I gain from joining?
Modsan If you meet the narcississt @Neverfire7, you two will be the best of friends. Maybe you two will earned the title 'Supreme Narcississt' together.....
Other than that, you might have to fight for members with the other clan/sect. Apparantly there been a lot of advertisment from other clans and sect. Hmmm.....How good is the drama and show in your sect?
RohanKumar I'm still sect leader, he's just recruiting :)
Awwwwwwwwwwwh. Y'all are so cute jumping on the Clan wagon. Well, Snowman Clan welcomes you... we bid you well on your journey. And if you ever need any tips, we got you~ β
Tugster wowowow. My little brother didn't even let me know about such an important piece of news! Q.Q
Aye though, have you made yourself a home base thread yet? Let us know when you hit 2k! We can throw a congratulitory celebration! I'm so excited! :D
- Celliez, founder of Snowman Clan β‘
- Edited
IIXXII pst that's not advertising that's interference u know like make it harder for the other sects
Anyways,thesesects are spourting out like weeds
Should I open some too?
Like lawfull
And then devil hunters
And then I will send my rangers to do the PROPER DEEDS
it will be fun I will protect (xpolit ) them
And then recruit there victims to as the devil hunters clan and offer fair(proper) buzziness deals with them
Sigh .........profits.....
Will u all join me ?
(CreampieKing By the way thanks for the threads for bringing together my future associates at one place ,btw wanna join my clans?)
I can see rebellion sect leading in some of the comment sections. .who will fight them?
Cilliez yes yes gain the leadership of being a greater clan !
Pat my headquarters of the clan and the devil hunter's will be there I will leave the minor tasks for u all to handle ok , keep it up my Future clans depends on your leadership! I will support( supply )
U with the Sinners and the Avengers (pft) !
SomeMnlightSculptr what those are just my hunting grounds , tell and will *deal with them
Sorry, my loyalties lie with Iron man and Capt.