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Alew "Good work and thanks for showing us all of this. As others might not understand most of these terms, I am able to since I am from a Computer Science branch."

My programming skills is too far behind..but good job anyway.

    Well i definitely didn't read all this, Nonetheless thanks guys!

      WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Ever since then, it has received good reviews from international readers.

      While I appreciate that you guys are working so hard, and while this is mostly true, sweeping the massive controversies this site has had under the rug like this still stings a little.

      Never forget :P

        Really appreciate the efforts and hard works. Good job! Thank you for making it easier for readers to access the website :)

          former developer, now a software quality engineer ... great explaination guys!!

            i really like Chinese literature. i hope China gets liberated sometime in my lifetime, i would love to see it free from its tyrannical regime. nice app too!

              Hmmm strangely enough I don't actually like when the page shows up like that from google search. It actually pisses me off because then I have to click on the side for it to load the full page and on android when I click my back button it somehow makes google go back also....yeah not a fan.

              But good job on setting a goal and achieving it. Optimization is a good thing I guess.

                a month later

                Well done, please support that webnovel

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