Interview with the Author of My House of Horrors
- Edited
Author-daren, please make it into no romance. I'll personally drag Zhang Ya out if she insist on getting so. Aren't I being kind? I don't demand to make it a BL for once.
Edit : Me being the 13th poster, what a good number tehehe
I'd really like to know if the author writes during the day or night and if the novel has resulted in some kind of psychological damage and what they are. I mean, the novel definitely revived a small part of my childhood fear for dark rooms at night.
Question Four... AC's answer?
I died at that. 'Kind, sunny, a loveable person.'
Someone send the ambulance, I can't stop laughing.
As for the printed book... someone get me a link, I need to have the printed version of my almighty bible.
Anime and Webcomic, I can't wait. If the release date is coming soon, I humbly ask the translators to include in the translator notes so I can know when and where to find the anime.
MilordInk Printed books are actually out. But they're in Chinese >< And i don't think it's easy to get them out of China.
The manga us out!!!
JjMcUurc what?? Where? When? How? Pls tell me, I need to see the manga w my v own bloodshot eyes
MatchaMilk He's just trolling
Can't find the manga. So, @JjMcUurc is prolly trolling
Wolfick Noooooooooooo my hopes, my life, my aspiration eth, eth is destroyed...
Anyway, thanks for telling me
MatchaMilk I probably could have told people sooner, I did see it right after he posted. But I figured spoiling it too soon just would be no fun~
Wolfick youre evil! Just as evil as the other poster above! Sighhh
Lonelytreeاشكرك حقاااا ع ترجمة هذه المقابلة كنت ابحث عن شيء يجعلني اقرب للكاتب حتى ارسل له رسالة تشجيعية من قلبي
Lonelytree هل هي لديك الان؟