【Important Announcement】Monthly Elite subscriptions adjustment
If all the chp that i already read while i;m in my elite member subcriptions got lock, there at least 5 novels that had 100 or more that already release in my 3 month subsciption. If it got lock again, i feel cheated. -_-
I am a bit curious, people seem a bit bummed about possible locked chapters, do you plan to reread what you already read? so it is an issue that way? personally I kinda never look twice at something i have already read
Webnovel/Qidian... It really isn't difficult to send out an email informing your subscribers of the changes. It's really disrespectful to your customers and really bad customer service. People have options. You aren't necessarily one of them if this kind of behavior continues. There are thousands upon thousands of novels out there to read. Think carefully on how you treat your customers.
I spend around 2 hours looking for resubb membership .... well i just started using this app one month ago
Well i just finished reading this novel untill end of the last full volume :] i hope that membership is coming back soon
not gonna waste money on bying randomly stones cause this novel is filled whit cliff hangers
I was charged this morning for April but my account still show it will expire April 4th ?? Do I get a refund or does it get extend for the month of April I'm confused
Since it took the money out for the month of April, is it possible to extend the membership by a month or am i just getting a refund instead? Either one of the ways work for me. Thank you in advance @WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL
When will the new elite subscription be released? This move Webnovel made sucks. I was enjoying all the different novels and comics I could read. Please bring make elite subscription. It hurt paying 25 dollars a month but it was worth it to read all the different novels.
So when the new subscription come out?
Zatara I would love this system. Take it one step further and add an even lower option that only unlocks one novel.
Bad form not sending out an announcement via email or putting a banner in the app announcing the change. If I hadn’t gone to check on my subscription, I wouldn’t have known it wouldn’t be renewed.
Suggestion 1 - Give us the option to pay for all chapters of the book all at once. Not just the translated, but all the chapters to come as well. The price for the entire title shouldn’t be higher than print version of the book since it’s ebook.
Suggestion 2 - Tiered subscriptions as mentioned above.
Suggestion 3 - Lower the chapter SS costs (no more than 5 SS per chapter) or give us more SS for our money (5000 SS for $5). No ONE book should cost $70-$200 to read. For titles with over one thousand chapters, their readership will tank if you go pure SS without dropping costs of SS and the cost of chapters.
I will not buy any ss as it is multiple times more expansive to read monthly then a elite membership subscription was. I was just going to renew my subscription just to find out there is none. I looked, couldn't find it, came to forum to see if there is any news regarding elite membership only to find this...
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL i miss it already, please come back soon
Booker23de but wouldn't they be making more currently by just making us pay 12-18 stones per chapter to unlock content then only give out ~5 stones daily.
essentially offering them to reduce price is unlikely to work as we can not stop all readers completely from paying into the system as long as 80% are still dumping money into the non membership model they would be making tons of cash back without having to do any work or investing anything
[unknown] i kinda like to reread it sometimes, searching for some funny moments.
I seonded around 200 euro eache month for ss before the Premium membership i justvread THAT MUCH but having the elite membership nit only helped me save money it also made me realized what other genres there where etc.
But I guess I need to go back to wuxiaworld and tl as well as a couple of other websites.. Because going back to spending 200 euro a month? I can't do that..
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL when can we expect the new platform?
Sad to see it gone. I'm following 14 novels atm and it's sad to know that I'm gonna have to drop most of them since I can't afford to read them if I have to buy SS for it.
Any news on when the new system is gonna come online?