Disappointed nothing more. Will have to stop many book again aah. Let's see the new membership that surely will be total bullshit I think like only x chapters/month etc...
【Important Announcement】Monthly Elite subscriptions adjustment
Sad i was actually thinking of subscribing to try and catch up on the novels im currently reading.
i guess i ll just wait for the next format
just going to leave until a subscription model is reinstated.
I am also interested in membership since mine is got also cancelled in mistake. So how much time do I have to wait roughly otherwise I have to leave the web novel as I won't be able to continue without membership
I am also interested in membership since mine is got also cancelled in mistake. So how much time do I have to wait roughly otherwise I have to leave the web novel as I won't be able to continue without membership
Good morning for all my reader friends and admin in here. I just have a question, last month i have purchase that special membership in here that allow me to read my favorite novel and all the chapter is has unlock until in the last update from that story. Yesterday my membership is has expired, when i check over this morning the story that i have done read is come back to lock out. In my mind when i be a membership when it expired i can still read the chapter that i has read, but it appear not like that. Please can someone give me information about this, Thank you
LadyCallys apperantly, if we read it when we subscribe to be elite member, we get to read all the novel without using SS, when the membership got cancel/terminate, all the novel will be lock again coz we don't unlock it using SS.
That's really too bad. I was actually looking forward to renewing my subscription, that's the only way I'll read books here because the spirit stone system is horrible value for readers. Hope the new program is out soon.
Lilbuddy Yeah I agree... Can we petition that the chapters we've read remain unlocked?
Myriad_Dreams uhhh arent you reading what they said?...it will be more likely that it will come at a higher price
im kind of confused..qidian has been running their own chinese site for years..why did they suddenly change for webnovel?...their current qidian way is working right?
funky_monkey that's too cruel for me. Because if so, i must buy many ss for just unlock all chapter that i has read. And that is very hard to my wallet, because if currency $ be Rp that's a lot of money. Huuuu i fell want to cry in here
LadyCallys me too. Before subscribe, i refill my SS every 4 days. My poor wallet. Now, i choose which novel i wanna read the most. The rest, i save it for next time.
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL I actually grown to love the Elite subsciption, and I also see your point regarding the distribution of income. So if I may suggest on your next update on the Elite Subscription, maybe you can also consider the novels that are in our libraries will receive more income? Since this also shows that these are the novels which are being read by the subscribers :) thanks!
How long untill i can got my refund back? because i didn't cancel subscription on time. Actually i don't know about cancel subscription until i open my app and realize that i must unlock novel with ss.
This is bs. I've never bough ss and I never will. I'm sure there are many others who are the same. This feels like just another attempt to see how you can get more money out of people. I guess this is a good time to give up my webnovel addiction. I'm done. You would've kept getting $25/month from me, but now you'll get nothing. Best of luck.
I hope that some sort of replacement for this program can be added soon. Unfortunately, while I can afford $25 a month to read, I can't afford to spend money to buy over 200 SS a day. That's around $10 every other day, or over $150 a month.Hopefully you can deal with this mess soon,
"Some Authors saw a drop in their income"
Well, you're about to see a lot more drop after the membership goes away.
Well. Time to delete the app again. I might come back one day if I get curious if there is a cost effective way to read here. To online sites I go.