Eian_Ridley I 100% would have gotten it if it were $10 a month!! No doubt in my mind about that.
【Important Announcement】Monthly Elite subscriptions adjustment
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL I am so sad The only reason I gifted close to 2000SS away was because of my subscription. It is not fair that I was not given an advance notice on this!! I only found out yesterday! This is a nefarious action and I feel cheated.
I understand that some novels' authors were suffering loss from income, but that just means that you could increase the subscription fees or create different tiers for people who read a different number of chapters. For example, it did not seem logical to me that someone who reads less than 1000 chapters a month paid the same subscription fees as someone else who reads maybe 5 or 10 times the amount XD
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Made some calculation, only with the book I read every day I would have to pay 125$ a month to read them... I think I will go to a library to read finished book instead of paying that much to read unfinished stories...
Fuck you Qidian, you greedy ass company that doesnt give a shit about its customers. Trial elite membership? what bullshit! You realized you were making less money then with your HORRIBLE spirit stone money grab so you switch it back. And you people thinking it's gonna come back and be cheaper? HAHAHA!!! Fools, all of you! STOP GIVING THIS HORRIBLE COMPANY MONEY.
U ppl have not given any updates till now .... fucking how long should we be buying SS
It’s high time that u ppl come up with a reasonable price and decrease the SS for each chapter
Before ppl uninstall this app and company losses more money then it was aiming to earn
No writers or translators standing up to even comment on their perspective on the subscription issue. Gagged, or just don't care about readers?
Am out of here. Going to the competition. Too bad because i liked the books and the membership setup...
Massive loss of face for webnovel...
I want to know why have all of the chapters that I read while I was Elite have been locked!!!
What the H did I pay for then?
Seems like you want me to double pay for chapters I already paid for!
Why are all my old chapters locked again I paid for the subscription, are you trying to steal my money?
You guys complaining about chapters being locked again, I suggest you read the previous posts explaining why.
Still the whole situation happening and people being affected from the lack of notifications is an issue. The app page was still touting Elite Membership last time I looked. I suggest you make a complaint about the app to the app store and leave a review.
I don't believe QI/Webnovel will be addressing our issues, they have terrible customer service and I doubt they will care about us unless it affects their profits.
Everything they do seems to be a scheme to get more money off us, but not in a way where we all benefit, only them.
Even if they may open dialogue to us in the future I have already seen how they work and what they think of their customers.
When you abuse trust, it's hard to earn it back. We are here for the convenience, and if it's too troublesome, we will go elsewhere and relay information about their bad rep before more people become victims to their schemes.
I agree that they just don’t care about their customers or they would have given some sort of response instead of just unsticking the topic.
NinaKembar I am not even close to that! It gets me around 2 to 3 days to read a single chapter... sniff
What kind of messed up system is this?
So the thing i read during membership didn’t count? So the money we paid for the elite membership considered rental? So why make the system of membership then? And don’t give crap excuse like the one i read in the announcement.
Elite Membership only sound good but apparently just another word for scam.
You guys are way to shady and greedy.
The amount i paid for membership is always more than the amount of SS i spend for reading monthly,but i did it since i buy the excuse that you guys giving more to the author.
Now you tell me that all that money is wasted, and i would even been better to stick to SS system, since at this time all my already read chapters will be unlocked instead of paying elite and get the chapter locked again? Do this even make sense?
What kind of crappy program of membership that you did here?
I have decided not to buy any SS till Qidian provides a satisfactory platform. To me it's an issue of convenience and trust.
Jack_N_Mikhail Sadly I doubt we are going to get any decent type of platform anytime soon. It will more likely cost us an arm and a leg.
From the myriad copy pasted 5 star reviews on Google play, to the fact they unstickied this, they're hoping to Bury the issue. The only effective protest is to not buy SS. ONE MONTH 22 DAYS SINCE I purchased SS. Lets see who can set a record
Bumping until we get an answer.
I purchase my elite member last march 25th how can avail the free 1 month?? I already unsubcribe..plz help
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL How can i avail the free 1 month??? I already unsubscribe??? I avail the elite membership last march 25th plz help