I read that there are some triangles in this place - wandering monks ...
"Yes, it is governing, it is!"
I am writing two novels related to the Silk Road.
The first part - 'Jiang' Magic Coin - events of the times of the era of Sir Pei Ju, the times of the Tang Empire.
And the second part - Magic Farmer Dara - 2nd Edition - about the descendants of the main characters of the first part.
A lot of material. More ideas. But with the first part. until I can write a sequel, the author is not sure where to turn the story.
In the second part, more understand.
Grammar - not really, obviously there are mistakes. Style - documentary fictitious realism.
I hope to get a review and tips on how to improve the story.
For my part, I will also write reviews, what I see in your novel, my opinion. Just a look from the side allows you to better understand the strengths and weaknesses of the story.