If it's a mtl translator that's just in it for the money like Mystical Journey's. If they don't care enough to check comments. Try clicking their profile, then replying to one of their comments. If they still ignore it..... Good luck!
How to contact the translator of certain books?
SageDrunkKitty There aren't any MTL translators. If there are, they will be fired.
Corn_Flakes Which book are you talking about
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CKtalon Mystical Journey's translator changes the gender of characters every few paragraphs. For example, A escaped from the haunted ruins, SHE was terrified. HE relaxed, relieved at escaping. HE swore HE would never return again in HER life.
Switches up past/present/future tense. Typos every chapter. Swaps character names around every 2-3 chapters. Example, GAREN fights MAGE. GAREN uses Dragon Punch, MAGE casts Fireball. GAREN is shocked and coughs out blood, staggering backwards from the power contained in that seemingly ordinary punch.
Skill names are randomly changed every few chapters.
Messes with chapter titles. Example, a group of chapters like Departure 1, 2, and 3 becomes something like Departure 1, Left 2, Leave 3.
Often reposts chapters, like posting chapter 10, then copy/pasting it for chapter 11. Happens often, gets "fixed" a day or 2 later.
Every dozen chapters or so 1-2 is incomplete, with a chunk missing. Usually a few paragraphs.
Sometimes chapters are skipped, then "fixed" days later.
Recently, duplicated incomplete chapters appeared. Example, Mystical Journey chapter 943. If the original plot for the chapter was (A) Garen suffers. (B ) Garen finds teacher. (C) Garen learns stronger techniques. The content of the actual uploaded chapter is sections A, B, a third of C, plus the duplicated A, B, and the very beginning of C. That was 2-3 weeks ago. Wasted 2 dozen Spirit Stones on that chapter. Chapter's duplicated part hasn't been deleted, and part C is still missing. No comment/update of any kind from the translator. No refund happened.
When A Mage Revolts
Same name swapping, gender changing, typos, spell renaming issues. They really butchered Benjamin's last name. It's listed as completed even though 3 chapters are missing.
Let me guess, Qidian allows anyone to become an "legit" "non mtl" "translator" as long as they pass some basic tests. They don't even bother to check, unless enough (the vast majority of) readers complain about it or it affects their precious money making schemes.
Funny enough, the vast majority of actual non mtl translators have a glossary of commonly used terms, character names, skill names, etc. to aid them. So they don't make truckloads of mistakes like gender swapping, name changing, skill/spell renaming, etc.
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SageDrunkKitty Those two books will be looked into.
The reason why terms can change is because most of these books are done by 2 or more translators to ensure speed. Depending on the management, the 'tightness' of the book will differ.
But using only a handful of books out of 300+ translated books and calling all of Webnovel MTL is quite an insult.
SageDrunkKitty it's not a MTL translator. Earlier chapters weren't done by EFT but nonetheless we'll check out the problems in MJ. IIRC I had a conversation with the translators and we found out that the author likes playing gender swapping games with his characters.
As for 943, I'll have them go through the final chapters to make sure there are no repeat chapters.
Also on the last three chapters for WAMR, lemme look into it for you :) @SageDrunkKitty
You can ping me for help anytime and I'll reply as soon as I can! Corn_Flakes, I'm managing EFT though so I can only immediately help with EFT titles but if it's from others I can help pass the message along!
CKtalon But using only a handful of books out of 300+ translated books and calling all of Webnovel MTL is quite an insult.
CKtalon claps Nice sophistry! Twisting my statement of Qidian not actually checking if translators mtl into an attack claiming that all translators mtl.
On top of that, you completely twisted the situation in your favor! Originally, I expressed my doubt at the quality of some translators, and whether Qidian actually quality checks. I stated 2 examples where the quality was severely lacking. I listed out the common mistakes contained in Mystical Journey in detail, and provided examples. I also referenced When A Mage Revolts for it contained similar mistakes, but to a lesser extent. WAMR had a bigger problem with grammar.
Now you twisted the situation into one where unless I provided irrefutable evidence that the majority of these "300+ translated books" contained innumerable mistakes, I would become an insane hound "attacking" innocent "hard working" people for no reason! Bravo!!
As for your multiple translators working on the same project reasoning. When A Mage Revolts only had 1 translator, but there was a translator change around halfway through. Mystical Journey only had 1 translator so far.
Insignia Finally! Someone who seems relatively clean in this place infested with corruption.
How would the author play with gender swapping? There is Chinese equivalents for "female", "male", etc. But "he"/"she" is replaced with a Chinese character (他) that means something along the lines of "that"/"it". Except it's referring to a living being instead of an object.
For WAMR's 3 missing chapters, people have posted links in the comment section of the "last" chapter.
SageDrunkKitty Go work for them :)
ImVaal No thanks. I prefer being clean.
CKtalon Thanks for ur response. R u like the representative of the translators?
Well, regarding my post, I guess I was the one who misunderstood, because I just realized that the translators changed certain names with reason. There will be a name with the same pinyin in future chapters, so I guess that' s how they differentiate the two. I didn't see the bigger picture so I was a bit worried at first ( so basically the character 浒 was translated as Xu, which is a common mistake in Chinese; but I read the raw and just recalled that after hundreds of chapters there will be 沪, so it' s actually quite farsighted and smart of them to call 浒 Xu).
I apologize for underestimating our translators' Chinese level >_< Sorry!
Insignia Thanks! It was actually my misunderstanding, not the translators' fault. They are doing an amazing job!
Just wanted to say that this got pretty heated...
Ok I'll leave now. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍
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Insignia Mystical Journey. Most recent upload. Chapter 998 is apparently chapter 1000, and the title's untranslated. Has the translator been skipping chapters again?
Edit: current chapter title. "998 1000 对战 2"
998 is the Webnovel system auto numbering chapters. I checked, and there is no additional "chapters" for common terms or a character list.
CKtalon https://forum.webnovel.com/d/46550-rebirth-of-the-urban-immortal-cultivator-edited-mtl
can you check this? been mtl'd for about 1000 chapters now
Joshua_Lee_5926 It's not MTLed.