Niseam Your chapter is too long. Most here seem to prefer 1-2k words. 7k will scare people off.
Is Webnovel the right place for my book?
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Also readers like regular updates, so it would be better as 5 releases than one—online reading is smaller bites and reactions
No harm in trying
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One of my favorite places in fact. Not just for the publishing, but a nice community. For specifics, the content publishing is similar to a lot of places, but the community makes it worth it.
Welcome, hope you enjoy the place.
Niseam I would break your longer chapters into 3 parts, and try and post regularly.
I know this is also going to sound weird, but you might want to change your book cover.
I feel like right now it's too professional? On this site, people are used to eastern fantasy, 5 minute book covers, and its the one place where a professional image might scare someone off.
I have some other recommendations, too, but I'd just start by giving the readers bit sized chunks.
If you have any questions, feel free to tag me and I'll get back to you.
From what I can see that happened to other authors is; if you novel gets popular enough they will pay more attention to you. Unfortunately they don't care much for smaller authors. They even censor the word discor,d. Wait did they do it here? Discord discord DiScOrD
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Also here you wont have things like a epic fantasy fan fiction ranking more highly than a work of an original Cyberpunk novel: it just doesn't happen. They're catagorized differently.
lmao "scare people off"
You should try posting at
This I can vouch for.
When I just started and life was easier with steady releases, I managed to rack up 10k views within the first 2 weeks at a rate of 5 chaps a week.
Though the collection is around 10 at that time so I don't know whether that's a good thing or a bad thing
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Vrad_Zechs You could compare with my daily uploads stories.
No: 1 I'm basically doing zero advertising.
Net result
Collections: 9
Views: 31K
Chapters: 95 (published at a daily or higher rate)
No: 2 I'm trying to be active here, but I do no external advertising.
Net result
Collections: 315
Views: 168 K
Chapters: 102 (at a daily or higher rate)
There's a huge difference. Both stories are (I guess) equally off for WN. I guess active, external advertising could have doubled the collections and views numbers for the one I actively push here. That in turn should have made it accepted for a display on trending original stories with an unknown boost to the collections numbers.
StenDuring What do you mean when you say external advertising? (puzzled)
Vrad_Zechs Telling friends on facebook etc that I have a new chapter up, for example.