Veronica8 Lucky you! Wish you success! Now is a difficult time, but you are talented, so I think you will succeed! Well, there you have the capitalist world, so you can find a job. We now have monopoly feudalism, a clan society, so finding a well-paid job is not so simple. But this is not a reason to lose heart. I found a job, not very good, they don’t pay very much, but in my second specialty, I think that’s enough for a pandemic. And then it will be possible to search for something new :)

Three final exams down. Two more to go. x_x Plus graduation and graduate school procedures along with work transitions. Can’t say it was a smooth ride, but I’m getting to the end of the tunnel, hopefully. Good luck to all students out there~

    Bought pizza Margherita. It is thin, barely 0.7 cm thick. But delicious.

    This leap year did not work out.

    First, a new metro line collapsed, people died at the beginning of the year. Then the pandemic and quarantine began. After the snow and a gale-force wind passed in the city through a vein, many cars broke, trees fell on the roads. There was a gale after the storm and from the new houses tore off the roof in the province. Now the dam has eroded, the lands have been flooded, the towers of 100 thousand people have been evacuated according to the wallpaper of the border.

    They took loans for 27 billion dollars ... how to repay? Apparently after the pandemic they will increase taxes, fines, utility bills.

    The house in which I live was decided to demolish, and in its place to build a new multi-storey house. But instead of compensation, they offer a mortgage for 20 years, at 28 percent per year. This is idiocy! Or move to the outskirts of the center. This is a world of clan communities.

    Against this background, the mood is not very. Well, life goes on, so it remains only to watch what else can be new to see in the post socialist world.

    It was amusing to watch how the Communist orators, who scolded the capitalists as soon as they abandoned their ideology, themselves became capitalists.

    As a country from a great superpower, the second country in the world, has become one of the 40 poorest countries. How space, aviation, tank, tractor industry disappeared. There was only light, processing and mining.

    Having large reserves of gas, gold and uranium, you can’t get anything from this either in Norway, Saudi Arabia or Brunei.

    30 years ago, 6 billion dollars were spent on science per year for 45,000 scientists, now 21,000 are left, and 50 million dollars are allocated on science per year.

    It's all flashing in front of your eyes.

    As a country becomes a banana republic, but there are no bananas and the sea with fish. Well, let's see what happens next?

    From the point of view of the researcher and historian, this is a very interesting process, but from the point of view of the resident, it is not very fun.

    But this is life! Rejoice, live, do not be discouraged, and this will pass! Like coronavirus!

    My internet was down just now, and the dinosaur appears, just when I was going to play with the dinosaur, my internet is back.

    I was trying to write something in a necro'd just before it was closed, but it gets closed the moment I did my typing and posting it.🤣🤣🤣🤣

    I am seriously slacking like my life depends on it. I want to work harder...sigh. Is procrastination a disease every author has to face one of these days?

      I wrote another chappy for HarmonyX. Don't think I'll continue updating to Wattpad. Too much work to do dual posting. Realized if annoyed me. I'll just stick with webnovel.

      Is it sad that writing a haifu robot chick in post apocalypse is natural for my brain.😳

      I'm getting heckled for my gay stuff on other sites too. 😔 Haifu robot chick comes first this time. 😉

        I've been writing a chapter for almost three days due to lack of motivation and inspiration.

          Like a good beginner in writing, I've started to do outlining for my novel.

          It's going well!!
          ( ╹▽╹ )

          So, to any writer that didn't do any outlining for their novels, I recommend to start doing it today!!!

            AI380 ( ´◡‿ゝ◡`) heh.... Those type of mindset is for the weak...

            Just kidding!!!! Don't get mad!!

            Anyway... The matter of lazy to write is the matter of self resolve. Even I get lazy most of the time.

            To me, outlining is more like to help writer so they didn't get lost in their own world and writing some abomination. Writer will follow the right plot and avoid many useless filler chapters!!!( ˶ ❛ ꁞ ❛ ˶ )

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