woshigib Awesome. I actually like your translation better than Liberspark, hopefully you'll keep translating it.

    Galaxy Thanks a lot. I appreciate that! I will start posting more from the 19th onward.

      @Rakdos 5 @Galaxy @lazyDaoist @SilverSkin @FakeDao @Ysabelledomingo026 @zswaleh @immortal_corrupt @StndrdDvtn @Isagani11 SincerelyYours @PeytyWap @StupidMinotaur @Unorthodox_Deity @AreYouTheEye

      I have uploaded the translations of Book 3 chapter 1 and 2 of Immortals on my site, do check it out if you are interested in reading Immortals!

        woshigib I heard Qidan is not giving rights to translate to others. Various Translators just dropped the Novel because of this. Be careful!!
        Thanks for Picking up.
        If you have some more time or want another novel to translate in future, Care to look at these Novels also:
        Rebirth to the perfect era
        very Pure and Ambiguous: the Prequel

          awesome dude @woshigib . thanks for picking the novel up! i rarely see free lance translators like you nowadays. so im kinda surprised and happy too. i hope u can keep it up and maybe u can also become a qidian translator.

            NewCultivator Yeah, I'll dropped it and vanish when it happens. Btw, are those by Qidian? if they ask me to drop Immortals, I doubt i can translate another one by them. Also, I have receive a tons of novel request...
            JunkieOverThe_Moon Lol, Qidian didn't reply me after I did the test so I'm still waiting for the results after like 3 months? I'm just doing this as a hobby in my free time.

              woshigib I looked into your website so you need an editor Did you get one? If you didn't, I can help(PRing only)

                NewCultivator I have an editor already. But if you like to help then, pm me on discord? I could use the help to proof-read them as I don't vet through my translations and just leave it to my editor.
                Discord server : https://discord.gg/rStTAmG

                  woshigib I doubt they'll ask you to drop it if you're willing to work for them. Maybe if this project is well received then they will contact you.

                    Rakdos maybe, I hope they don't sue me. Please! Well I actually submitted the application to them and did the test so far I'm still waiting for a reply from them after 3 months now.....
                    Also, keep a low profile guys... I don't want Qidian to come knocking

                      @woshigib Great job! Better translation speed than Liber at least and a good attitude.

                      Hopefully Qidian sponsors you.

                        Galaxy I hope they don't do anything actually.... I don't want to get into any trouble. Thanks, I appreciate your support.

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