Can’t log in through google
Uninstall and reinstall work for me
is it give some error tips?
ReachZhaiTW Nope just says (Failed to sign in. Please try it again) in red bar at the bottom of the screen
Weqqy login by email or login by Google button?
ReachZhaiTW login through google button. Tried by email still failed though. I tried again today. Doesn’t work.
I also can’t log in through google. I have been trying since yesterday. I keep clicking. But to no avail, I still can’t enter my webnovel acc.
A Google something is terribly buggy ... for me on the second or third attempt opens, through the captcha ...
Same I can't login using my iPad only via browser or Android Phone
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ReachZhaiTW Can't log in through google.
Weqqy may need to change the mailbox in the future? another? with Google, I remember I had problems last year ... I constantly demanded a captcha ...
Can't log in through gmail or facebook
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Ann_Utulu Miyaaaaaaaa is it give some error tips?
uninstalling and reinstalling the app solved the problem for me though a heap of novels that weren't in my library showed up??? '-' ???
Heck, I still can't figure out why the app periodically force logs me out. Sometimes while I'm still on it.
My problem is login with google redirects me to my browser for log in instat with the app. pls help me.....
This happens on my Android phone from time to time. You go to log in with Google and it opens the browser to log into Google. Once you do that, it should log into the app with Google. It's caused by Google itself need to be logged into before it can be used to login to an app. It only happens rarely on my Android phone, but from what I've heard, happens more often on non-Android phones due to them not being as integrated with Google as Android is.