We're slowly getting closer to the book's end. I'm currently at ~ 2150 chapters in. 350 more to go!
Qiao Nan's wedding Arc:
After Qiao Nan and Soaring took their wedding photos, Soaring directly took MC to a civil affairs bureu to register for their marriage (since the report he sent over 2m ago was approved). Once they did that, as in last life, ML quickly snatched the red books for protection, and then they went home.
Once they got home, ML's parents were there. Before they even met Qiao Nan for the 1st time, they already went to buy gifts, so now that they're married, Qiao Nan recieved them (A highly priced bracelet and a watch).
Soon after that, it was time for their wedding. Once again, Qiao Nan had a problem choosing from which house should she marry. Zhu father got the news somewhere, and once again, as in the dream, Qiao Nan married from the Zhu house.
Wang cousin or w/e was his name wasn't happy, but he could only make sure that his wife doesn't come out till the end of the wedding and grumble to himself (The thing with his wife was, that after Zhu father wanted to adopt MC, Wang found himself a wife that looked similar to MC, so he was scared that someone would notice it...)
It was also during this time, that Soaring once again noticed that MC sometimes has moments when she feels like she knows more than she should. He told her that he'd wait for her to open up, but yeah. This time, MC only told him the truth about how Chen bastard came into her life, how he was a dog of Wang etc... (So yeah, Wang is on Soaring's blacklist).
Also, Shi/Shu Qing appeared for the first time in real life. Turns out her life is not as bad as I would imagine, Feng family wanted to fck her up this lifetime too, but when they tried to sell her off in a marriage, she followed her father's step and run into the military. Fast forward a few years, and she's a female general (I'm sure my MTL said general, but it might be a diffrent high position), with more power than Feng family.
She was also in love / still having a crush on ML, but once she saw their wedding, I think she gave up. Also, once she was getting to the ceremony, pretty sure she saw Ding Mom and Qiao Zizi trying to force themselves into the military district and make trouble, so she kicked them out to a police station.
Something that I might mention as a fun fact: Once again, Soaring behaves like a hungry dog. Qiao Nan almost couldn't believe that he didn't touch Qiu crazy girl before, because he was so crazy in bed.
Ding Mom + Qiao Zizi Arc:
I think I missed some chapters here, and then got kind of lost in the MTL, so it would be great if @rdawv could explain this one. Things I've got were: Qiao Zizi wanted to become a Civil Servant, because the pay was pretty nice etc.. Well, she failed, and on the exam she left most of the test empty. I think she even called MC once to ask for help, but before she finished talking, Qiao Nan already hang up on her?
Some other things I saw in the MTL was 100 000$ being mentioned, and some drama with a neighbor? But I'm not really sure what went on here.
Then, we've got drama with Ding Mom, that I think @rdawv mentioned before? Anyway, Ding Mom was convinced by Zizi to take Qiao Nan to court, since she was not paying her any money since she left.
Ding mom listened to her and did take her to court, only to lose misserably, since MC was sending money every month, just that she was sending it to Qiao Dad. And if they share it? That's not her problem.
Ding Mom was mad, so she went and asked Qiao Dad about it. He told her, that she was taking money from MC for years and he never saw any of it, so now, he's gonna collect MC's money. If Ding Mom wants some money, she should ask her lovely older daughter, who should probably pay her more than Qiao Nan, since she even finished a good college, right?
Yeah, it ended up with Ding Mom and Qiao Zizi fighting for some time. There was even a point when Ding Mom would want to use 1000s $ a day for takeout, just because she didn't want to cook and clean up after the dishes. Qiao Zizi didn't want to use any of her money of her mom, she yeah...
Qiao Nan's pregnancy Arc:
Once again, Qiao Nan is pregnant! ML is a dog, so what do you expect...
MC has been trying to catch up with her studies recently. Obviously, it wasn't real to go to college or anything, but she did go to some private schooling institution or something like that, and got a grade 6 English certificate? Anyway, because that took her time, she didn't notice that her Aunt didn't visit her for over 2 months now.
Once, when she was home, she looked pretty bad, and they somehow turned to the idea of her being pregnant, once they knew about her not having her menstruation for that long. Soaring wanted to suprise her, so he came home unannounced. Once he saw her, she fainted, so they took her to the hospital and it was confirmed that she's pregnant.
Some time later, when Qiao Nan was I think 4-5m into the pregnancy, she had a check at the hospital, and it turned out that she's once again pregnant with triplets.
Also, somewhere in between there MC had a talk about Zhu father with ML. She talked with him about the adoption thing, and it seems like Zhu father was silently helping her and protecting her from the shadows. Zhu father was also in the hospital, and it looks like he only has a few months left, but nothing much here aside from some mentions.
Even through MC is not super happy about her family, she still contacts her father. Once he knew that she has triplets, he went ahead and bought some kids clothes and sent it to her.
Once Qiao Nan got the package, and they opened it, it turned out that it had 2 types of clothes: comfotable to wear kids clothes from Qiao Dad, and pretty, shining kids clothes from Qiao Zizi, that kid's wouldn't like. Yeah, they sent Qiao Zizi's clothes back.
Why did Qiao Zizi even sent them? Somehow, she started dreaming of becoming Soaring's wife. It's pretty dangerous for an older woman to be pregnant, even more with triplets, so Qiao Zizi already thinks that MC will die during birth, so she would like to stay near MC's family, 'take care of the kids' and hook up with Soaring.
Yeah, she's stupid as hell. Not to mention, the clothes she sent to make a good impression, only made everyone think badly about her, since even MC that didn't give birth yet (they think so, not knowing her dream) knows that these clothes won't be nice for kids, while Qiao Zizi who has a son, didn't know that.