Hmm. :thinking: I wonder if this thread is still relevant now that we have the new wireframe dashboards.
I'm old school. Whilst bugs are still being eradicated, I'll still use.

TMS = 425:1
Reborn = 761:1
Zaldizko = 353:1
4th Zaldizko = 1.150K despite being a poor player here, I'll still bank my focus on self-pub this one next month.
Dragonieth = 227:1

    May1st hell yeah. In ratio terms, 292:1 so, on every 292 view/read the story was added to a library for later or offline reading. Throwing out the ratio. Having 283K views with near 1K collections is brilliant. It means your story is interesting readers and actively being read.

    Nice work. :grin:

      Hm, it's been some time. Guess I'll post mine too in the wake of this new, glitchy Inkstone.

      Big Hit's New Girl Group: I'm a K-Pop Star?!
      166K views, 1008 collections = 164:1

      RE: Life as a Tree
      61K views, 124 collections = 492:1

      Canaan: My World To Live
      75K views, 105 collections = 714:1

      The last two novels have been left in the dust with worsening ratios. Oh wells~

        Veronica8 TMS = 425:1
        Reborn = 761:1
        Zaldizko = 353:1
        4th Zaldizko = 1.150K despite being a poor player here, I'll still bank my focus on self-pub this one next month.
        Dragonieth = 227:1

        Wowsers. I don't know if it's because of all the background work going in Inkstone. My collection adds keep going up and down like rabbits.

        Maybe peeps didn't like my new chapters. :eyes: Always strange when you update work and collection drops.
        Oh, well, such is life. I'm expecting a few more collection drops since I'm terrible for updates. It's impossible for me to keep a regular schedule.

        TMS = 428:1
        Reborn = 758:1
        Zaldizko = 354:1
        4th Zaldizko = 1.14K:1
        Dragonieth = 232:1

        I think updates is the least of my problems. I've worked out that my stories are too out there for the average reader. Might need to stick with my contemporary romances.

        On that note. The book that baffles me.

        To Like A Man = 352:1

        Been a couple of months since I dropped. I was expecting the collections to return to 0, but they keep going up, making the ratio consistent. :sob: I feel guilty. I can't cave and be fickle. Must stick to vision to keep me on the narrow writer's path. Otherwise, I'll go wonky and off the rails (more so than I already am).

          With the new dashboard, I wonder if the better stats to follow would actually be valid reads and minutes. If we could see how many people read in a week, that would be good too. Or a percentage of the collections who actually read. But week by week can also provide a lot of zeros for small fics, so it’s not the best in that regard.

            Chryiss yeah. Doesn't do that much for me since I don't update regularly.

              GreatSage_Master1 then what about the time constraint. Even if we start a novel and didn't get to update regularly. The released chapters were still there for new readers. does it make a difference in some way?

                Here is mine now.

                The Hunter Academy: 265k views and 1.966 collections = 134:1

                Rebor in DxD with Fate System: 7.730 collections and 1.8 millions = 232:1

                  Hmm. Now that copy/paste protection is in place, I wonder if that will start to make our view counts more realistic?

                  Added another chapter today after eating and sleeping. Will go back to rest and recoup this budding cold. The nice surprise was that for whatever strange reason, my other two stories have slowly been gaining collections, just 1 or 2 a day. But after a long stagnant period, that's big for me. XD

                  Big Hit's New Girl Group: I'm a K-Pop Star?!
                  181K/1042 = 173:1

                  RE: Life as a Tree
                  67K/141 = 475:1

                  Canaan: My World To Live
                  79K/110 = 718:1

                  The tree story even slightly improved its ratio! But that's because I haven't updated for two weeks yet again cough. On the other hand, MWTL gets a lot more "updates" because I'm slowly catching it up to where RR already is in the story. One of these days I need a mass release on my poor tree story that gets no love in terms of updates. :joy: :sob:

                  Haah, I actually just wanna finish this Big Hit story already. :eyes: I'm not going to rush it to the end, but I'm not tempted by any means to lengthen it just because it's my more popular one by a long shot. I think whether or not I reached any better level of success on this site will depend on how my fourth novel goes.... If it flops like the other two then I know for sure that having one more popular fic doesn't help the rest lol. (I do suspect that some of my readers from the fanfic did peek at my other two stories though...)

                  Veronica8 TMS = 428:1
                  Reborn = 758:1
                  Zaldizko = 354:1
                  4th Zaldizko = 1.14K:1
                  Dragonieth = 232:1

                  TMS = 432:1
                  Reborn = 706:1
                  Zaldizko = 357:1
                  4th Zaldizko = 1.25K:1
                  Dragonieth = 239:1

                  It's confirmed. My books aren't popular with readers :laughing: Maybe I should've stuck with cliche and gone all out with To Like A Man since this book is the only one gaining steady collections where all others are loosing them. Although Reborn surprised me.

                  Then again, I would've been bothered by not finishing what I started with Seriphyn Knight Chronicles. I don't have another decade to waste on this series. Before I leave this earth, I'd like to have the entire series on shop bookshelves digital/physical. Of course, this means I'll be doing the self publishing route since doubt I'd see this series being picked up by a traditional publisher. Webnovel contract offer was an anomaly.

                  I've added a few new chapters to The Fourth Zaldizko as this book is my focus. Unfortunately, that's put a hold on the other in progress ones as I realised I'm a one-at-a-time person. I can't multi-task well when it comes to books.

                  I revised the format for Zaldizko chapters "All In Love", "All in War" and "The Zaldizko Prophecy" since these were tricky chapters for readers and received some feedback on this. Hopefully, it reads better.

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