Mute Yeah tell me about it. It's not actually the auto publish that has issue. It's that irrelevant chapters pop up in between ready-to-publish chapters and prevent them from being published.

    Insignia I've been wondering, what release rate for WoD are you guys planning to aim for ? It's one of your most popular translated novels, so I hope you'll get it up to 14/week.

      Parpaing Having read this interesting thread, I've been wondering. Did daddy drink? Mommy didn't love you? Is that why you're so brain damaged? Clearly, your daily life must be challenging and you suffer a lot of bullying. That must be why you find the need to act tough (or retarded, depending on your standpoint) behind a keyboard.


        BlissfulDeath That's not called acting tough you dumb cunt, it's called insulting people. Your panties-wearing ass can't even tell the difference because of how sheltered you are.
        Experience the real world for a second and you'll understand.
        And guess what ? I don't like retards like you butting into the conversation talking about how they don't like the way I write, so I insult them.

          Parpaing Did I hit a nerve? Poked your sensitive little heart? Must you try so hard to prove me right?

          How unsightly.

          Clearly the mark of a broken fool struggling to escape his suffocating hell. How much of a low-life do you need to be to call trash-talk a conversation? I wonder.

          Btw, it's indeed called acting tough. The likes of you have long since been identified. You cower behind keyboards, attempting to ,on a screen, showcase strength and will you can never possess in the real world.

          Like brats, unable to grow up.

          Like retards, for guess what, that's how we indeed call you.

          But it's fine, because like all the rest, you'll probably end up doing the world a favor and jump from a bridge...that or return to the heaps of trash where you belong.

            BlissfulDeath Do you seriously think your stupid assumption, stereotypes, that no doubt show some projection from your personal life could possibly hit a nerve ? Do you really think some bum with literally no life is that common ?
            I insult people to discourage them from acting a certain way, I don't see where you think that's called acting tough, in that way you'd be doing the same.
            You're a joke to me because only someone experiencing what you're calling me would believe that there are people like you out there, that they just chose another path from you causing them to be outspoken on the internet.
            So why don't you do the world a favour a kill yourself, you retard ?
            Oh and for your information I didn't call trash talk a conversation you idiot, you obviously didn't read the thread if you think so. (well, other than the part where I respond to people trying to tell me what I can and can't say)

            Insignia Does way of the devil have an official team to translate now or are you simply realeasing the stockpiled chapters? If so do you you have an idea what the release rate will be?

            Insignia Why the hell release rate dropped to one chapter a day?

            I don't think I can survive That long if you translate this slow.

            ~can't you be like Atlas Studio. They are not filled with issues and can guarantee a stable release rate.~

              Insignia Why the hell release rate dropped to one chapter a day?

              I don't think I can survive That long if you translate this slow.

              can't you be like Atlas Studio. They are not filled with issues and can guarantee a stable release rate.

                BlissfulDeath Shut up ya limp twatwaffle. Ya don't need to ask several questions in your defense or try to indirectly explain yourself. Btw the ocean is old as fuck and it'll still drown your ass with vigor

                  NewCultivator Atlas Studios also has problems. With so many books, it's hard to have every book and every translator working at speeds that we want due to a whole spectrum of problems.

                  Examples of our TLs/EDs having problems: Fracturing their arm, Being evicted from their houses, being held up at immigration, Exams/School, Work.

                  JackBlank Another moron. If you think I'm trying to indirectly explain/justify myself, your brain must have been trampled by donkeys in infancy.

                  I'm insulting a cunt. And since you wish to come to his aid, I'm also insulting you...the doubly retarded cunt.

                    BlissfulDeath Congratulations on being the first person I've seen type like a pansy. Oh, your mother must be been so disappointed that she didn't swallow. She must be been even more pissed when you slithered out the bucket, please tell us, what was it like encountering a clothes hanger for the first time?

                    Reading your replies so far you must worship your creator being a self-made man and all.
                    I am terribly sorry, I just heard about your illness, I hope its nothing trivial.

                    This whole experience is worse than touching soggy food when washing dishes, utterly disgusting. You should honestly think, for what reason is your existence

                      TBH the ranking system is full of crap and I'm 100% sure it gets abused/is in no way a good indicator about the books quality which in turn makes it so that many pearls are buried in the sand of mediocrity

                      Let's face it people only vote the first 3 ever just to get the free SS, same with new books I don't even check their names just throw in the my votes for SS.

                        JackBlank Oh my god, this is hilarious.
                        Before you attempt to comment on someone's writing (or typing since that's the word you used), you should check your novels. Not to be harsh, but even as an amateur, you should give yourself some standards.

                        Someone who writes "intergalactic travel is too easy" during a narration. Someone who mixes several tenses in one sentence and relies on adverbs like a grade-schooler should think twice before posting such words.


                          I was being serious about the list being unreliable though, you guys definitely should sort out the popularity data in some different manner other than from power stones. I would wager at least 50% of the populace is just like me and randomly throw the power stones away just for the sake of the reward.

                          Why not remove the incentive for a while and see how the list changes? My bet is that many lesser known quality works surface when people finally start to value the list.

                            BlissfulDeath Laughable? No, you're laughable. You couldn't come up with a good response so you took precious time out of your day to find a novel that I'm writing, and decided to attack that instead of me. Haw haw. Truly incompetent. At the very least you should have your own novel, no? Maybe if your last few brain cells didn't commit suicide on seeing how much of a dunce you are, you could've gotten past the first paragraph. Good day

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