What the FUCK is wrong with EndlessFantasy Translation ?
It's been so long since the last update, the counter just gave up.
EndlessShit Translation and Qidian shit level of management. rotten corpse and ruined coffin.....
For WoTD, we took the original translator in and gave some time to pick the translation pace up. However, due to commitment issues Xintuz will be passing on the novel, and a new TL has been assigned and will start work 16th June as per our agreement with the original translator. -------- well, 1 month now, where DafaQ is a new chapter?
readers are not read for free M'kay?
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14 chapters will be released today.
Edit: 7 has been released.
If ya dont have enough manpower or things else, give things to others to do their jobs.
Just wanted to point out, the novel white-robed chief suddenly got discontinued for about a month and later with the release of 4 chapters, it suddenly stopped. It was so frustrating that you guys just stop releasing without any notice.
At least, inform us before going to hiatus so that we don't have to refresh the page every hour.
I also wrote the same thing on the discord and tagged you but you didn't even bother to reply.
Well, it's good now since White Robed Chief is releasing daily. I hope you can increase the speed though since there are 3K+ chapters.
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Hey NewCultivator, I believe it should be releasing 2 a day now!
Edit: Yeah we're also working on the release. My apologies for not noticing the tag on discord.
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Parpaing Having read this interesting thread, I've been wondering. Did daddy drink? Mommy didn't love you? Is that why you're so brain damaged? Clearly, your daily life must be challenging and you suffer a lot of bullying. That must be why you find the need to act tough (or retarded, depending on your standpoint) behind a keyboard.
BlissfulDeath That's not called acting tough you dumb cunt, it's called insulting people. Your panties-wearing ass can't even tell the difference because of how sheltered you are.
Experience the real world for a second and you'll understand.
And guess what ? I don't like retards like you butting into the conversation talking about how they don't like the way I write, so I insult them.
Parpaing Did I hit a nerve? Poked your sensitive little heart? Must you try so hard to prove me right?
How unsightly.
Clearly the mark of a broken fool struggling to escape his suffocating hell. How much of a low-life do you need to be to call trash-talk a conversation? I wonder.
Btw, it's indeed called acting tough. The likes of you have long since been identified. You cower behind keyboards, attempting to ,on a screen, showcase strength and will you can never possess in the real world.
Like brats, unable to grow up.
Like retards, for guess what, that's how we indeed call you.
But it's fine, because like all the rest, you'll probably end up doing the world a favor and jump from a bridge...that or return to the heaps of trash where you belong.
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BlissfulDeath Do you seriously think your stupid assumption, stereotypes, that no doubt show some projection from your personal life could possibly hit a nerve ? Do you really think some bum with literally no life is that common ?
I insult people to discourage them from acting a certain way, I don't see where you think that's called acting tough, in that way you'd be doing the same.
You're a joke to me because only someone experiencing what you're calling me would believe that there are people like you out there, that they just chose another path from you causing them to be outspoken on the internet.
So why don't you do the world a favour a kill yourself, you retard ?
Oh and for your information I didn't call trash talk a conversation you idiot, you obviously didn't read the thread if you think so. (well, other than the part where I respond to people trying to tell me what I can and can't say)
Insignia Why the hell release rate dropped to one chapter a day?
I don't think I can survive That long if you translate this slow.
~can't you be like Atlas Studio. They are not filled with issues and can guarantee a stable release rate.~
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Insignia Why the hell release rate dropped to one chapter a day?
I don't think I can survive That long if you translate this slow.
can't you be like Atlas Studio. They are not filled with issues and can guarantee a stable release rate.
BlissfulDeath Shut up ya limp twatwaffle. Ya don't need to ask several questions in your defense or try to indirectly explain yourself. Btw the ocean is old as fuck and it'll still drown your ass with vigor
The current stockpile cannot sustain 14 a week (yet), i'll be supplementing the release with a 4 chapter friday to make it 10 a week before eventually hitting 14 a week.