Eslyna They updated inkstone so that authors can tag their novels.

- Jan 25, 2021
- Joined Apr 29, 2019
- In Deleting
AscendedShin As far as I know, authors can only delete reviews (and comments in the review section). Maybe he reported the comments (those you made in the chapter section) and had wn delete them. It's not like they care about it being fair, to begin with.
In any case, that author only cares about earning. If your review and comments are detrimental to him, of course, he's going to get rid of them. Wn also only cares about earning, so of course, they'll support him.
Ain't much we can do about it.
I'm even starting to feel like the whole "there are too many trolls; give authors the ability to remove their reviews" is just an excuse. They would have implemented such a thing sooner or later.
_Ocelot_ The problem isn't the review system; it's the exp system. So long as people can get exp for reviews (and comments), we will have the junk. Any new measure that doesn't target the root of the problem will only force them into finding a way around.
And they will.
- In Deletion
Lewd_One You can delete chapters, but you can't delete the story. So, the best you can do is delete all the chapters then change the title to "Nothing to See Here," "Deleted Story," or something like that.
eoinmorgan0007 While I'm not a DC fan and won't judge someone for reading on pirate sites (we all have our difficulties), are you seriously feeling good posting a link to a pirate site on the forum? No matter what you think of it, that's someone's hundreds of hours of work, and you're just inviting people into pirating it?
Shame on you.
DaOist0015 I just want to ask. Say, in your case, the last chapter for X novel is 100. You purchased 50 chaps of privilege in July and got to 150.
Now, in August you got set back to 100 and repurchased 50. Are you getting daily releases starting with 151 or are there no new chapters whatsoever being added to the pile and you're just stuck with what you already have?JackBlank Oh my god, this is hilarious.
Before you attempt to comment on someone's writing (or typing since that's the word you used), you should check your novels. Not to be harsh, but even as an amateur, you should give yourself some standards.Someone who writes "intergalactic travel is too easy" during a narration. Someone who mixes several tenses in one sentence and relies on adverbs like a grade-schooler should think twice before posting such words.
JackBlank Another moron. If you think I'm trying to indirectly explain/justify myself, your brain must have been trampled by donkeys in infancy.
I'm insulting a cunt. And since you wish to come to his aid, I'm also insulting you...the doubly retarded cunt.
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KingDerp I don't really care about the privilege scheme since I feel like people who buy into the "privilege of being robbed," a privilege they're not forced into, deserve to be damned.
However, you've been talking about excessive pricing of the company when in my understanding, it is authors and translators that set their prices (in the case of privileged chapters).
Are you going to sue every single one of them too?
Parpaing Did I hit a nerve? Poked your sensitive little heart? Must you try so hard to prove me right?
How unsightly.
Clearly the mark of a broken fool struggling to escape his suffocating hell. How much of a low-life do you need to be to call trash-talk a conversation? I wonder.
Btw, it's indeed called acting tough. The likes of you have long since been identified. You cower behind keyboards, attempting to ,on a screen, showcase strength and will you can never possess in the real world.
Like brats, unable to grow up.
Like retards, for guess what, that's how we indeed call you.
But it's fine, because like all the rest, you'll probably end up doing the world a favor and jump from a bridge...that or return to the heaps of trash where you belong.
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Parpaing Having read this interesting thread, I've been wondering. Did daddy drink? Mommy didn't love you? Is that why you're so brain damaged? Clearly, your daily life must be challenging and you suffer a lot of bullying. That must be why you find the need to act tough (or retarded, depending on your standpoint) behind a keyboard.
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2 Eastern Fantasy
2 Romance
2 Magical Realism
1 Fantasy
1 Video Game
1 Sci-FiNo comments.
9 Romance
1 Magical RealismWhile I'm not one to join the romance-hate wagon, I'm forced to admit that this is a tad bit annoying.
I believe the short answer is that romance is the most popular genre atm, and is therefore given top priority. I could write a long tirade on the topic, but I rather save the energy.I only have one genuine complaint.
Why is there a "ladies' pick," but no "males' pick"? When shall we have true equality?
Kuromeru666 I mean, a real book also doesn't have millions of words. While you can argue that a lot of those books have fillers, you also can't seriously expect a work with millions of words to be priced the same as a 100k word book. That's a tad bit excessive.
Wn prices are based on word count. A 100k word book on wn would boil down to roughly 10$. I'm inclined to say that on western standards, that's theoretically fair. The problem is, because people are by nature greedy, they will always try to milk the system. Thus, fillers...
Still, I don't know what you read, but if you say Issth (for example) should cost 25 bucks. I'm sorry to say I can only disagree.
DaoSeeking393 It's not fraud or theft. It's you not knowing what you are signing up for. Free ss don't permanently unlock chapters. Only paid ss do so. The chapters you're referring to must have been unlocked with free ss.
Sephiry Actually, last I checked, best selling kindle authors made around $5k a year on average. I haven't seen their patreon numbers, however, on webnovel at least, it's clear patreon doesn't work out. I suspect the culprit is the already crushing ss cost. Imho, most people with bucks to spare are already spending too much on the website to afford supporting authors on patreon.
Yup, 1000 ss on qidian is 10 yuan which is 1.48 dollars.
MrHugglez I will be the first to say webnovel's behavior was intolerable, that removing the subscription model without a replacement ready, without even going back to ad locked chapters and forcing readers into plain, overpriced ss buying is not just unprofessional, it is downright retarded. However, you gotta give the devil its due. Comparing Netflix with its millions of paying users to webnovel is just not accurate.
Netflix can afford low subscription costs because its millions of paying users can make up for the balance in a heartbeat. Webnovel would go bankrupt in less than three months if it used the same prices. To say nothing of the authors who would lose all motivation and probably go back to focusing on/finding real-life jobs.
Let's not even mention paying users. How many readers do you think webnovel got in total? A few hundred thousands? Among which maybe a couple thousands of paying readers at best?
I also see people comparing Webnovel to Kindle. What they forget to mention is that kindle authors make no money. On average best selling authors over there make like 5k a year in sales. How is that viable?
What you could compare for example is vs The ss cost per chapter is the same. A 2k word chapter is about 10 ss in both cases. However, on qidian, you get 1000 ss for 1.5$. On webnovel 1000 ss is 20$ which is outrageous and definitely not a good middle.
It's still not perfect, but it's a much more reliable comparison.
BRibbon From what I've seen, it's a click count and not an actual view count. I'm inclined to say there are some bots in play, but since I can't prove it, I won't venture into that territory. As for your collections, it is also not necessarily accurate since many people use more than one account to own more power stones.
However, it's still a much better indicator than the "view count."