WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL My recommendation would be having a better line up of mass releases. Also, lowering the SS on the comics. They cost 13ss and a lot of the chapters are soooo short with empty pages. 🤦🏻‍♀️ It’s a riporoni!(aka RIP-OFF)

Also, I would suggest establishing a better system in terms of setting chapter requirements. Especially for novels in which the readers are paying chapters for. If the author takes 1028492873+ years to update their next chapters, readers are highly likely to drop that novel which means they just wasted their ss(aka MONEY) and in my opinion, that’s not good service to any consumer. While I think brainstorming on a good content to offer the readers is a good idea, its just as important to look at your current system in place.

    Chat group eh? I actually had a good story idea that consists of virtual chatting before this prompt topic. That doesn't mean I joining, no way Jose. But I will be curious to what stories come out of this one. It can be done either very well (emotionally with the whole long-distance conflict), or very bad with too much "texting" stuff and emojis which will quite literally annoy the heck out of me. Maybe if I was a pubescent teenager, I'd be find with strings of text messages making up the story, but nope, not now when I could have the added enjoyment of well crafted language. (At least, these are the two types of stories that come to mind with this prompt....)

      I dont know the logic here. They make us vote for the power stone in the novel we like . And they keep hiking the price of the ss in each chapter and btw the chapter is to short a total rip off . I hope you change it thank you

      GegeSadewa That's a pain, especially when the book is completed.

      If the delays aren't government related, maybe WN have to be stricter with translation completions. No pay until the entire book is translated, balancing this mandate with a higher payment incentive or paying a deposit/start up and the full amount at the end like any professional service. Idk. I've been hearing the woes of translation drops for a while now. This hurts the writer and their story the most.

        Veronica8 lol, no one would work for it then. the chapters could be up in the thousands...Imagine working for months but without pay...and that the pay might even come years later... A deposit would not work as well as people can always run off after getting the deposit...

          Expand the levels beyond 6 to maybe level 10. The problem is now no difference in levels 5 and 6. Actually a small reward will do. Level 6 will have say an extra 30SS per month, with small increases per level. The amount need not be large but give people some sense of achievement

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