valeriex hey man... The review for the 1st chapter is up on the comment section... Keep an eye for the later ones

    TheExtraDoor I'm surely interested in reading it my dear... Just gimme some time as I'm in between mocks and reviewing other novels... All I want is your patience and I'll surely repay u with a very constructive reviewπŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡

    moleypotato sure... I'll be lenient... However sometimes there r readers who find it a bit of an obstacle for reading... So pls do work on that for a greater amount of readers... 😊

      _IHA_FAB_ Thanks. There' s not a lot in the story to be honest, so you'll probably won't notice. Especially in the first five chapters. I'm okay if you critique up to the first few chapters as these are critical. Thanks.

        ShinSungmi hey that's v!!
        She's fangirling
        I'm new to this forum.. so what basically is a "review swap"? Could u pls explain it?

          _Rain sure dear... I'm caught up with others but I'll surely drop my yours

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