_IHA_FAB_ Try mine, Duality.

The beginning is a bit rough, as it's my first time writing. Preferably, I'd ask to begin from Chapter 17 - Defeated as I changed my writing style starting with this one.

From this chapter onwards is a flashback from the MC's mother POV, so you'll be able to understand it even without reading the previous chapters.

    Huldomo review swap?


    Title: The Arks

    Synopsis: In this universe, there are those that called themselves 'Mages', performing 'Magecraft'. Sort of like supernatural abilities. They harness the power of Elements. From Water to Fire Elements, Mages were being bred in all corners of the Universe.

    The Great Noble War made its name throughout the Universe by taking down a multitude of stars. From the remnants of galaxies that were affected, the Solar System was created. In that System, a particular planet stood out from the rest as a haven to all; Earth.

      Hi everyone,

      I just published my first-ever book here so I hope to get some help. Will return the favor. Thanks


      This is an anthology of short stories and literature written for children and teens of all ages by an author who will forever be a young kid at heart.

      In its initial release, three amazing short tales are featured: Rustyโ€™s Water Robot Dad, Emilioโ€™s Incredible Farm, and Charlikin the Asthmatic and the Pink Lizard.

      Each story has different characters who will leave readers great lessons in life. Read them along with your family and young mind during bonding time or as bed time stories. Definitely, all stories can be finished in one sitting.

      New stories will be added as chapters in this collection of tales. Leave your comments if you wants more and suggestion for any story you want the author to write about.

        AnthonyCharles review swap?


        Title: The Arks

        Synopsis: In this universe, there are those that called themselves 'Mages', performing 'Magecraft'. Sort of like supernatural abilities. They harness the power of Elements. From Water to Fire Elements, Mages were being bred in all corners of the Universe.

        The Great Noble War made its name throughout the Universe by taking down a multitude of stars. From the remnants of galaxies that were affected, the Solar System was created. In that System, a particular planet stood out from the rest as a haven to all; Earth.

          Vrinda13 sure I'll look into it and give u a feedback... Where do I give u the review tho? Here or somewhere else?

            stella2138 gimme some time lovely author... ๐Ÿ˜ I'll look into yours... Rn a bit caught up with exams and mocks... But I'll give u a review... Lemme know where to give u the review

              _IHA_FAB_ https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/14083245205276005?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=4303977620

              Title: The Arks

              Synopsis: In this universe, there are those that called themselves 'Mages', performing 'Magecraft'. Sort of like supernatural abilities. They harness the power of Elements. From Water to Fire Elements, Mages were being bred in all corners of the Universe.

              The Great Noble War made its name throughout the Universe by taking down a multitude of stars. From the remnants of galaxies that were affected, the Solar System was created. In that System, a particular planet stood out from the rest as a haven to all; Earth.

                MuZikr hey man.. it's alright about the tense and stuff.. but I'll surely look into it... Just a bit stuck with grand mocks (uwaaahhh) so pray for me and I'll get back to u as soon as possible...
                (P.S. lemme know where u want the reviews. Should I write them in the comment sections of the chapters or email them to you)

                  Mavislin11 hey author.. that's a really interesting plot.. just gimme some time as I'm stuck with mocks... I'll give u reviews chapter by chapter or highest 3 chapters at a go.
                  P.S. lemme know where u want the review to be posted. In the comment section or in the email form

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