Cantiara changed the title to Earn Rewards - Post Reply not working.

    KhadijahMakoul Rate a chapter wasn't working for me either, but now it does. Let me rename the title again if it's still not working for you.

    Edit: Oh, sorry, looks like I can't rename the title of the thread anymore.

      I think the rewards work for diferent novels, I needed to comment one novel, rate another novel and then vote for a third one to claim the three rewards.
      I hope this is just a bug and not a new feature.

        Done the same. Genuinely worried. Haven’t missed a single day since Webnovel beta exp system was launched, terrified of getting fucked today with no exp. even though it isn’t much, I just don’t want the streak to break.

          I'm having the same problems. There also appears to be a funny glitch that makes people accidentally triple-post their comments. I've also rated a chapter in the app instead of my web browser, and that didn't work either.

            Same problem too, reward exp for add reply not complete whereas i have reply 3 time and still not complete. I've also comment and fail but when I'm refresh it success, confusing

              Same here. Comments, replies to comments, and chapter ratings seem not to be working. Neither are they reflecting on my profile or registering xp points.

                Henker I gift two books everyday, and normally it registers as ss and xp both for the gifts and as a chapter comment. Today I got only the gift reward but not the comment. Neither are reflected on my profile. So, perhaps @WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL has changed again and it's not a bug?

                  a year later

                  this is still not working (and hasn't been for the whole week I've been registered, so since 25th of August).

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