FM2 What about doing this on website?
SrtaA Please check this again. The issue has been confirmed resolved.
The issue has been fixed. Please kindly check if you were able to get the content. krissparadise OrdinaryMan475 bellabrown93 xiashenghan Warkaz Storm_Swell Thedaemon01 Tamahana iamQiaoQiao daniel_mutek KatherineMay Exorzizt DaoOfKen chriz1066
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d00td00t- In comics
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The issue has been fixed. Please try again.
Maniacman079 Metoumo jmeaddesign fictiophiliastruck jesus_mora uninitiated This was due to a critical resource issue. The issue has been fixed and please try again.
AraAra The issue has been fixed and you may try again now
Thousand_Sunny The issue has been fixed and you may try again now
Cantiara The issue has been fixed. Sorry for the inconvenience we made.
deedlitt This issue has been fixed. Let me know for any further issue.
Cantiara KhadijahMakoul Henker Blurnobody Leylin_Farlier ResidentialPsycho Ginkgo_biloba ealdgyth Qister SkyReflectingWater PurplePeng frangky Sorry for the situation you have met. This was caused by a server issue which was fixed today. Leave a reply and you should be able to claim the exp now.
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rattienovelreading We have fixed the issue and you may try again.
michie16 Sorry for the situation you have met. This was caused by a server issue which was fixed today. Leave a reply and you should be able to claim the exp now.
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Phipsi What platform you are using, or app? If you remember the book or the chapter or anything related, I can help to check this issue. Many thx!
QueenStar Tasks have some lag minutes ago, please check if these tasks are completed now.
You might encounter some issue when reading novels using ss minutes ago. This issue has been confirmed resolved. Please try again!
N1dhogg Hi. This issue has been fixed. Try check the comic you again.