I’m having the same issue - watching the video but it’s not crediting the reward.
Ads aren’t paying rewards!!!
Same thing happened to me yesterday. What I did was to just let it go and wait for few hours then watch the ads again and got the reward. It seems the cause was something regarding too many users watched the ads from the same region/country or your previous interaction with the ads. Looks like they don't want to suffer loses and give you reward if you never interact with the ads before and that they also have quota for max number of viewer.
Experiencing the same issue as well. Even tried at different time and watched the ad video multiple times
plz tell us
app version:
mobile info:
happend time:
app version: 3.8.5
userid: 2387666894
mobile info: iphone se
happend time: 3days in a row, only today i got this “video unavailable now, video inventory and rewards are based on location.....” when i get and watch the ads, still no rewards
No rewards for me either. I’m so tired of this. Got it last time but i have never missed a days batch of mission.
II watched countless ads already.... it wasn’t working since yesterday and still not fixed...
设备型号 iPhone
系统版本 iOS 12.3.1
客户端版本 3.8.5
用户网络类型 wifi
用户id 4081936263
I’ve cleared cache in the app, restarted the app, closed background apps, and restarted my device. Still haven’t been able to redeem the watch video reward or the multiplier since yesterday.
ReachZhaiTW is there any update on this, or is it still being looked into?
I have same issue, “Watch Video” does not give me SS, I watched it 5 times. Still don’t work.
App version: 3.8.5
Userid: 4302278866
Mobile info: iPhone XS Max
Time: 22/7, 8AM
Same issue
Same issue for me as well, very frustrating
Daoist965581 mobile is iphone?
azurewing mobile is iphone?
- Edited
Now feedback after reading the video is not rewarded are ios devices, is there an android? At present, our developers have followed the issue of ios.
i watched an ad almost ten times and still got no rewards.
Daoist965581 i check your account,there have two check-in rewards "+7" record
hi guys, plese check your accout. if you can see double record in one day. it means your have got double rewards.
Okay, I have a double “Daily Check-In” yesterday. I also have a “Daily Check-In” today. but for yesterday and today, there’s no “Watched a Video.” Does this have something to do with this new “Multiplier Reward” thing that makes us watch a video ad as well? On that note, what even is the “Multiplier Reward?” I haven’t been able to find anything explaining it. Just that it’s there, where the “Check-In” button used to be, and yesterday after I tapped it and watched the video ad the “Check-In” button was back so I tapped that too.