Alessandro They released 10 premium chapters back then.
Premium for Free releases one chapter every day for each book, while Premium chapters are released at a faster rate. So, there are more locked chapters.
Introducing the Premium program BETA, giving you advanced chapters!
I haven't seen a free release of Release that witch in 2 days... that's not 1 chapter per day...
- Edited
Alessandro It's because you read ahead?
Novelupdates, a third-party site, keeps track of all the free chapters.
For instance, Chapter 713 will be unlocked for free in a few hours.
CKtalon probably, then.... the last chapter I read was c716 and that was a few days ago
ChosenEternally Well yes, but they have more access to the coming chapters of the novels.
This is for me the reason premium chapters are not worth buying spirit stones for. If I spend money to read ahead for an important fight or something else cool, I'll either have to keep spending money to keep up or wait for a long time for free chapters catch up again with where I was.
okay now I get it
Woah This is still alive? haha
Hope there will be no debate again -_-
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL after a while is qidian international going to Become like the chinese qidian where for a lot of novels there's only like 100 free chapters, while for the rest you have to pay.
An epup for fiction story professional proofread and edited doesn’t even cost so much, now -/+$35 for translation by hobbyist turn semi pro and edited by who knows ..... I spend around $400 yearly to feed my love of reading but I buy books and epubs alike for under $20 some short some long but all finished someone tell me why should I pay so much Qidian novels , I need justification !
Take a look at super gene. No more ads but it needs 6 spirit stones to unlock chapters.
In its current form this is a rip-off. This should be a subscription model. $10 a month would still generate a lot of money.
how many days do we have to wait to automatically unlock the chapter with beta?im out of stones.dont have visa as too unlucky me..
we cant read this unlock chapter without SS anymore?
İs there any other payment methods or only paypal? İ'm asking this cause in my country paypal doesnt work.
how do I get premium exactly
laurels All you got to do is buy SS; although I'm not to sure how much you got to pay for it to work.