Hello evil genius lover,
Just trying to understand the difference between a shamless MC who is villainous as you stated above but not what you want and one that is self serving does whatever it takes to get what he wants and doesn't care about anyone, and is rather evil. Isnt that shameless and villainous? Hahah your search has been steady it seems.
Do you mind saying why you like a conquer the whole world, care about no one MCs, but yet no harem? Wouldn't a person like that logically have one since he is about indulging in his lust of power, money and supreme strength and pleasure seeking would also be one of these appetites of his. He sees people only as tools for his power and desires/goals right? This character type would logically often have one, no? But I agree, I'd prefer the story leave that part out and have him ignore this tendency. Perhaps her could be obsessive over one person in that area, chilling, but less annoying than a band of women that are numbered objects. "I am 23 of 47." Ugh so blah.

Hello evil genius lover,
Just trying to understand the difference between a shamless MC who is villainous as you stated above but not what you want and one that is self serving does whatever it takes to get what he wants and doesn't care about anyone, and is rather evil. Isnt that shameless and villainous? Hahah your search has been steady it seems.
Do you mind saying why you like a conquer the whole world, care about no one MCs, but yet no harem? Wouldn't a person like that logically have one since he is about indulging in his lust of power, money and supreme strength and pleasure seeking would also be one of these appetites of his. He sees people only as tools for his power and desires/goals right? This character type would logically often have one, no? But I agree, I'd prefer the story leave that part out and have him ignore this tendency. Perhaps her could be obsessive over one person in that area, chilling, but less annoying than a band of women that are numbered objects. "I am 23 of 47." Ugh so blah.

    storygirl "Self-serving" and apathy do not make a character a villain. For a character to be truly evil and villainous, he has to actually commit an actual crime or atrocity. Or sin. Just because you don't care about other people and sacrifice them to achieve what you want doesn't mean you are evil, it just makes you a very flawed human being. An anti-hero, as MyRedeemerLives said.

    Now if this guy actively goes out and sacrifices people to summon a demon, is the leader of a satanic cult, murders people for no reason other than because he's a psychopath, or robs banks, or rapes (considering this guy has a harem, I think it's more of a case of all these women falling for him than he forcing himself on them), then yeah. He's a villain. But if he is just selfish, self-serving and apathetic, that doesn't make him a villain, maybe a highly flawed anti-hero, but definitely not an evil villain.

    Think Lord Fang Yuan, compared to trashes I'm not going to name, he will do anything he wants without being constrained by anything, excepts for a lack of power that is.

    Harem is one of those restraint imposed by the author towards the protagonist, and since most harem I've ever seen mostly ends up consentual, the protagonist then have to waste time caring for harem members. Rape is fine since it's born purely to sate their lust, or maybe for gu crafting mumbo jumbo if Saint Fang Yuan does it.

    Case in point, the moment I see the MC caring for others is the moment that book is dropped faster than a hooker's knickers on payday.

    Btw, FFF manhua exists now in case you guys didn't know, have reached the 40th chapter and that shid is actually good. Very good in fact. Not a dissapointment, unlike the blasphemy that is Reverend Insanity's manhua adaptation.

      5 days later

      Question, I've been receiving a lot of recommendations for lord of mysteries. My question is this. Does this prestigious protagonist of LoM qualify as an evil protagonist?

        Daoist502905 If it was wrote as a dark MC, yep he qualifies as one. Too bad Cuttlefish didn't gave us a full loaded cake instead he gave us just a slice of it.

          Sythcake More of a cornered mouse and became a fiery cat with a monocle. I wish that the second sequel births one (100% its inevitable).

            Sollkiri I have no idea what are u talking about.. :/ I’m like 900 chapters into the story and so far, Klein has been nothing but a good guy.

              Well my novel follows the stories of three villains who were defeated by the hero and got isekaid before they could die.
              They aren't good and evil
              They are anarchists
              They believe in a cause and have no bottom line. Of course when there is a better option they won't choose an 'evil' one just cause they are villains
              One is forced to be a hero another the next the demon lord, the third well he just does his own thing, no strings attached.
              They might not exactly be ruthless as it is supposed to be a villain to hero story However their past is pretty colourful and fits right to your needs they have sinned and have hands stained in blood.

              Here is the link if you are interested

              Return Of The Anarchists

              You can check it out and leave a review too if you have time

                Sythcake he isn't a good or bad guy
                He just does his thing and he gets a bit more darker. Its subtle but there.
                And dosent go about killing people for power or support those that do.
                It is not #1 story for nothing

                  I see... Quite a shame it turned out that way. My time has been wasted reading two hundred chapters of it hoping he'll change somehow, and your insight...
                  Has saved me from wasting my time reading hundreds more in a false hope of futility. For that I shall thank you for it.

                  As for another, I suppose this
                  I've barely read it so my comprehension of it is lacking, it's about a prospective sith actually trying to be a sith instead of ditching sith hood for becoming a jedi or heaven forbid, those edgy grey jedi that never fails to shove their morality erection down everyone's throat and have them enjoy it. Suffice to say, as far as a protagonist go he's quite alright so far. Keep in mind that I meant that as a person who've only read 2 chapters of it.

                  ThePotatoKing He constantly thinks about helping others but often doesn’t act on it because he knows that not much can be changed with his partly powers... Klein is a true blood good guy but is just being pragmatic with his choices.. There is absolutely nothing dark about his character.

                    you have a point but he does become a lot colder after chapter 900
                    with all the pupeteering and all
                    its really subtle but is there.

                      8 days later
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