
  • Feb 3, 2021
  • Joined Mar 30, 2020
  • Wait a diddly darned second, what in the name of Aaron siegel happened here?

    • It's done. For those confused, novels meant that you can look it up on novel updates, rrl for those from royalroadl, ff.net of course are from fanfiction.net, moonquill is moonquill, QQ is questionable questing and i believe i don't need to explain webnovels

    • For no reason in particular, I'll be dropping this here, contained below are grammarly decent works recommended from the start of this thread that I found doesn't include romance, antiheroic tendencies, and/or discrimination against children/innocents/whatever it is you wanna call it

      -Warlock of the Magus World (novel)
      -Reverend Insanity (novel)
      -Vampire Primogenitor in Tokyo Ghoul Universe (webnovel)
      -Everybody Loves Large Chests(rrl)
      -I am Lord Voldemort?(ff.net)
      -Have scythe will travel (ff.net)
      -In the shadows (ff.net)
      -FFF trashero (novel)
      -Genocide online (novel)
      -Tower of karma (novel)
      -Amenaza (ff.net)
      -Oubeniel circus (novel)
      -Forgotten dungeon (rrl)
      -God is an idiot (ff.net)
      -Faceless (ff.net)
      -Lex luthor triumphant (ff.net)
      -Rattling monster (webnovel)
      -Dungeon defense (novel)
      -Lord of undeath (rrl)
      -The leader (ff.net)
      -Path to godhood (ff.net)
      -Cruel tutelage of wan shi tong (ff.net)
      -The tragic seduction of ty lee (ff.net)
      -Virtuoso (ao3)
      -By the fires light (creepypasta)
      -He who has been denied love and peace (ff.net)
      -The harrowing (ff.net)
      -The voyager remastered (rrl)
      -Dungeon monopoly (moonquill)
      -Is it wrong to be the dungeon (QQ)
      -Mister harvester (QQ)
      -Can't cure deceit (rrl)
      -Thieves dungeon (rrl)
      -All eternity at my fingertip (ff.net)
      -Custom made demon king (webnovel)
      -Never die twice (rrl)
      -Forsaken talents a dark path (rrl)
      -Not playing with a full deck (ff.net)

    • MyRedeemerLives it really has been a year huh, time sure do goes by fast when you're not paying attention to it.

      Well, happy anniversary to us.

      Here's something i dug up from rrl, keep in mind that it hasn't been updated for a very long time
      Rather than going on a long winded summary about it, I'll just say that it's about a lone soul doing what an intellectual undead does best. I.e. It's a lich and you should already know the drill by now

      P.S. Unfathomable doomsday translation has been picked up again, i believe up until chapter 71 currently

    • Lotm turns up to be a clichéd hot garbage in the end, is it? A shame, but your warning is appreciated. You've suffered so the rest of us who haven't had the misfortune of reading it don't have to.

      In the meanwhile, here's something to read and to patch the throbbing headache you'd usually get by reading originals in this wonderful site

      It's called, Not Playing With a Full Deck
      A DC fanfiction without the powerwank, self inserts, and characters so thin you can barely call them cardboard cutouts. No, there are no such things in here. Instead, you get to see everyone's favorite murder clown do the things he do best. Namely spreading chaos and bloodshed with a little bit of psychological torture thrown in there for good measure to everyone involved, be it children, woman, man, man dressed as bat or superman. And don't worry about the ending, although not a picture perfect ending from my view, it's good enough at conveying characters that you can tell that the Joker viewed it as one without needing to explicitly scream it at your face as if you're a brainless moron like "some" I'm not going to bother to name.

      P.S. Don't go in here expecting wholesome things, the guy i originally recommended this to first practically spits on my face because he somehow expects joker to be some kind of a wholesome misunderstood vigilante

      • Oh wow, king is here. You sir have an excellent taste, in my own humble opinion of course. That archive of yours has been a great help in finding lots of things my browsing skill alone would never have discovered. Appreciate it.

        Anyway, here's another rec
        Have you ever wanted a tale of a death game with a protagonist that is neither an angsting bleeding heart or a cum-for-brain perpetually in need of the oh so precious moral justification just to slap someone, preaches about how righteous they are, wasting time ass kissing their harem members and gets to pick their enemy by moral standards? Well! Meet this guy, by this guy i mean the protagonist of course. And yes, i do know the synopsis sounds bland, guy doesn't look much and even resembles your typical moralfag during the first three chapters. But give him time and you'll see him grow from some mundane nobody into the head of an enterprising death cult that scoffs at the very concept of hesitancy all the while carving a path of blood free of ridiculous bias against age, gender and innocence in a virtual world where death is absolute. Rest assured in that there will be no serious harem as the dead wife trope has actual significance for once.

        ...That’s quite a long wall of text for just one book i realize. Too long in fact. Oh well

      • storygirl I do indeed get those false error messages, that's why i usually copy the content of my post first before restarting the forum in the event that the error message turns out real and my post I spent a few minutes has been deleted for naught. It's bug, but i shall refrain from speaking about it to avoid the ban hammer as I'm sure you understand.

        Speaking of which,
        It's when palpy pulled a Fang yuan and become a god as a result, though it got sex (which is as annoying as always) it got genocide too. So rest easy, as this one lacks not in death and destruction department with a bit of that chaos and bloodshed goodness

      • I also have this to offer, it's not my taste but i don't see why i shouldn't post it here
        It has harem. That's the bad part about it, other than that the main cast are perfectly capable of murderizing innocents and important characters alike. Yet, it still felt off to me and i couldn't put my finger on the why. Oh well, maybe it would suit your taste?

        • Klazy_Labbit Excuse me, if I could be so bold to ask, how qualified is the play differently protag as an evil protagonist depending on your opinion? I'm afraid I couldn't continue past the first few chapters due to bootleg Roman caring too much about the main cast and sabotaging the villains, so yours or any other insight for that matter on this topic would be appreciated.

          • my_pen_is_there o shid you rite. Now that I've re-readen it, turns out the negativity of that post is directed entirely in the right way. Oh well, i still stand by my sentence in case anyone is interested in a debate. And as such i won't bother deleting my post above, farewell for now.

            • storygirl erm, i am assuming this is a response to a post on this thread? If so, might you enlighten us as to which it is. My overly self defensive mind need to know if it were me that you refer to so to construct a mandatory response in order to defend my stand.

              • You flatter me truly, it does however felt quite nice to be acknowledged, and so, i feel that another recommendation is in order.

                A tale of a small little dungeon doing a small little takeover over a city with plenty of death and destruction. The ending is a bit meh though, or maybe that's just my bloodlust talking? Either way there's rumors that book two about this small little dungeon will be coming out soon.

              • _King_Slayer
                Ahh yes, i do so fondly recall of the time I've wasted reading hundreds chapters of that.
                I will be brief with this one. No.

                I assume maybe you're lured at the start because he looks semi ruthless or even a little bit promising, maybe? But I assure you it will be just that, a promise. The protagonist fell in love with his sister and now it all have devolved into a headache inducing mess since then. He's a normal protagonist in short. Nothing special, it's just your usual run of the mill, bland and uninspired protagonist fighting against evil.

                With that being said of course you're still free to read it. But what's that i hear? That's right, it's the sound of a novel going premium.

                Most of its chapters has been locked behind a paywall, so I wish you the best of luck if you still persist on reading it.

                P.S. I noticed at the beginning i stated that this will be brief, and as it turns out, i was wrong. I blame the salt for being too overwhelming.

              • I see... Quite a shame it turned out that way. My time has been wasted reading two hundred chapters of it hoping he'll change somehow, and your insight...
                Has saved me from wasting my time reading hundreds more in a false hope of futility. For that I shall thank you for it.

                As for another, I suppose this https://archiveofourown.org/works/14514006/chapters/33532371
                I've barely read it so my comprehension of it is lacking, it's about a prospective sith actually trying to be a sith instead of ditching sith hood for becoming a jedi or heaven forbid, those edgy grey jedi that never fails to shove their morality erection down everyone's throat and have them enjoy it. Suffice to say, as far as a protagonist go he's quite alright so far. Keep in mind that I meant that as a person who've only read 2 chapters of it.

              • Question, I've been receiving a lot of recommendations for lord of mysteries. My question is this. Does this prestigious protagonist of LoM qualify as an evil protagonist?

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