Any form of review is acceptable. Please do drop your novels if you want my review in exchange.
Badly needed review.
Kylcas Okay added to list, here is mine
Hello, reviewed ! Quite a funny story you've got there ! (at least for now )
Love it !
Here's mine if you have time to review it !
Kylcas alright then! This is mine
Just checked your work, it's really interesting and unique than some cliche love / romance types. Good luck on it. And here's my link. Try to make some time to review it, Appreciate it.
XOMatsumaeohana Balalalu ShinSungmi MiniAce will review at weekend
HI! Can you leave a review on my novel?
Let's swap?
Here's mine:
Title: I deserve a second chance
MiniAce hi, let's swap review?
Title: I deserve a second chance
Balalalu hello let's swap review?
Title: I deserve a second chance
Hey bro!! Definitely do you prefer a friendly review or a well detailed one? And here's mine, I'll leave you a review as soon as I see yours on mine. Thank you
MiniAce well detailed please!
I definitely need a good honest review to improve myself. Thank you for your time!
I have added your book too. Please give me time to read it.
Gold_Paper_Crane Yes I'd like too ! I might a bit late because of stuff in real life tho, maybe tonight ! I'll try the sooner , the better but no garantee . I will don't worry, when is another question
Kylcas I'd be happy to review your novel. Hope you can leave a review to mine as well.
Need reviews for my new novel.
Title: The Idol's Wife
I will leave a review It's just I wanted to read all five chapters you have updated. You will soon recieve my review, don't worry.
Thank you lol there are 8 chapters now
Tea_Tae review swap?
Here is mine-
Title: I deserve a second chance