As I've been unable to find something interesting to read amidst the deluge of reincarnation and/or systems stories, I decided to just come here and ask for suggestions.

I am looking for some original Fantasy or Urban Fantasy stories to read, preferably without romance as a major focus.
What I am NOT looking for is any form of Isekai, system, reincarnation, fanfiction or cultivation.

Now to make this all just a little more enticing for all the other authors out there, and because getting exposure really is a struggle at times, I will try my best to read through the first 2-3 chapters of stories that fit the criteria above and leave a review for you.
Hopefully you'll at least give my own work a look over as well at that point. If not, I'll hopefully still gotten some entertainment out of it.

    He/she literally said he/she's not looking for isekai, system, reincarnation, fanfiction or cultivation, and you shamelessly promoted your bloody recinarnation and cultivation story.

    Can you please read? No matter how desperate you are for readers, shoving your story into the face of someone who already specified that those are the genres he/she wants to avoid just comes across as obnoxious. There are other threads for self-promotion, use those if you are really that desperate for readers.


    You're looking for fantasy novels and mine is one. Also, this isn't just self plugging as I'm also interested in reading fantasy novels that aren't the usual cultivation or reincarnation fare that can be found everywhere nowadays. So I would love to see replies on this thread too. Anyways, here's mine.

    Title: The Foolhardies
    Genre: Fantasy

    Synopsis: Is in the link. So as not to make this message too long i'll explain it in a nutshell: It's about two brothers, the younger one who has been abducted by fairies and forced to be their slave in their realm, and the older, who, being the responsible big brother makes a pact with another fairy to go after them and save his little brother.

    And, yeah, western myths show that fairies sneak children away from their beds and carry them off into their courts -- so this is based on that and not isekai stuff.

    Enjoy. I hope.

      Man I am glad to see there are Urban fantasy stories doing well enough here on WN to get votes and a rating.

      As for your story itself, I put most of my thoughts into the review, thanks for pointing me in your, rather appropriate, direction.


        Glad to hear you say so and I appreciate the review. I'll read your novel too. Like I said, I too am starving for some good fantasy stories that have nothing to do with the list you mentioned above (although I love those stories too). There's just not enough of the LOTRs, GoTs, and Percy Jacksons here in Webnovel, I think. Or at least, I haven't discovered them yet. Hopefully, more authors with similar tastes will reply to your thread.

        Hope you keep reading and enjoying The Foolhardies!

          Sani2341 Hi this is Brandon Gould I am the Writer of a bookCalled The Demonsong Epic. It is a sci fi fanstey story that takes place in Tylingariea
          The summery is that Ryi'june a warrior from ten years in the past gets killed by an Evil force called Voidheart during a war but is brought back ten years later when Voidheart returns
          Ryi'june and his allies must defeat Voidheart as well as a stronger force that has connections to Ryi'june.
          You can type in Demonsong and it will come up when you get done reading please leave a review and tell me anything I can do to make it better and the grammar may not be great

            I will, it's a tad on the back burner for now (got a 6hour train ride coming up later this week, so I am saving some reading material for then.)

            And I wholey agree that we need more Fantasy in the vein of Chronicles of Narnia, Lord of the Rings, Percy Jackson or even Harry Potter. Even if they are not on the same level as those titans of Literature, it would be nice to see unproven authors share their worlds.

              Roughly yeah, although I personally disliked Goblin Slayer. (Which doesn't mean it's bad, just not for me)
              When looking at (semi) recently done Mangas or Books for a rough ballpark 'Atelier of a Witch Hat' or 'Milenium Rule' come to mind.

                Ah, that makes sense. Those certainly sound interesting.

                  Title: The Alterra Project
                  Genre: Realistic Sci-fi comedy with video game features
                  No powers, systems, or reincarnations, not even a harem. I try to keep the characters as human as possible but sometimes over-exaggerate certain traits for comedic value.

                  Plus the characters are mostly in their 20s and 30s so no op kids wise beyond their years.

                    Tomoyuki For a Japanese Light Novel, Goblin Slayer certainly feels like it is influenced by DnD. Even how the spell casters have limited blessing come straight out of DnD mechanics. :)

                    I like how the lead isn't especially strong. Just so narriw-minded about goblins that he gets so good at killing them.

                    GD_Cruz Amazon most likely.

                    Atelier of a witch hat is a manga Series that follows a Group of young girls Training to be witches. It mostly impressed me with the way magic is done in the setting and how it had actualy somewhaz sensible guidlines for the students to how to keep how magic is done secret.

                    Milenium rule is a book Series that begins with the book 'Thief's Magic' and follows its two Protagonists on their journey first through their homeworlds then through a multiverse where every 1000 years the strongest mage Alive is said to be killed by a stronger rival. Which is currently ocerdue.

                    Sani2341 Not fantasy, but how about this?
                    It is a pretty good read with 3 books. If you are bored of the usual cliche WN, some real scifi will do good for you.

                    Or well, if you really want fantasy how about Divine Dungeon? It got 5 books. I mean, you don't have to read WN right?
                    (the 'cultivation' mentioned has nothing to do with the chinese version of cultivation. I mean, if you mean ALL cultivation, even the practice and mana training mages or knights do is cultivation in the end. Even the act of a dungeon sucking in mana to grow is cultivation. I don't know if you can find a fantasy without any cultivation. I mean, fantasy with magic or any kind of energy like mana in it at least. All energy needs to be trained and cultivated one way or another. If you don't want ANY cultivation, you might as well just give up any fantasy that contains some kind of empowerment energy like mana or magic. But that would only leave you with medieval novels with mortal people going through mortal struggles. Not saying there aren't good stories like that, but you probably won't be able to find a WN at least.)

                      went through it for a bit, and it was quite an interesting story. Not sure if I'll finish it someday, as I normally prefer to see sci-fi or play sci-fi over reading it, but I did quite like what I read, and think people looking for Sci-Fi should defenitly give your story a chance.

                        So I did read through it, and whiel it defentily is a good story, and I would suggest people coming through here to look for fantasy stories to give it a read, it is not quite what I was looking for, so only time will tell if and when I finish it myself.

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