Ebu8b Finally got my computer on to reply:
Ebu8b And at the same time that release rate is often lower than 7 chaps per week.
Generally most solo TLs will have a lower release as compared to bigger groups like WW, Volare, Gravity and others. So that is why the release is slow. That is a fact xD
Ebu8b Pay or wait. These are the two option you have, the same as for other translator.
You are trying to cover up the fact that.... its ok... we do not need to run around the bush.
Your stand point is you like QI and mine is I dont.
All is good.
Ebu8b First time hearing that. Maybe bug on your side
Well, my app is glitchy and even after deleting it and sending for help through email... well.. i got ignored. But with the recent app update i got to see it moving down. so all is ok for now. lol.
Ebu8b Qidian has to pay the editor, translator, author, their staff and then needs profit to increase/improve their service. Unlike other sites who don't pay the author
Well, this is messy as not all TL go through the original author and from what i remembered only WW did that and then the other people started following however I understand about QI needing profits as a company but they need to do it differently and not so blatantly shoving the SS wall into our face